We know this is crazy, but basically the crews are trading ships: USS Sunfire CO Captain Sandy “Ghost” Shannon & crew and USS Liberty CO Captain Rhenora Kaylen & crew are permanently swapping ships.
Wait, what?
Over the last week, each crewmember added their character to the other sim. Then today, the two Captains published joint genesis posts on each sim: Here’s the Sunfire’s & here’s the Liberty’s. Crewmembers are free to participate on both sims for the remainder of the missions, which will be wrapped up before the end of the month. At that time, legacy Liberty members will have their characters deactivated as they continue on the Sunfire, and legacy Sunfire members will have their characters deactivated as they continue on the Liberty.
Why do this?
Both sims have tremendous histories here at IDF. In fact, IDF was born out of the original Sunfire, and it was one of our three launch sims back in July 2001. Shortly thereafter, the Liberty was our first expansion sim on August 1, 2001. The current registry numbers hark back to those early days. When we relaunched both sims last year, circumstances led to the Liberty crew largely consisting of players from the last incarnation of the Sunfire. They’re simply going home now. And fortunately, the crew of the Sunfire are good enough sports to play along.
How will these joint missions turn out?
I have no idea, but they’re sure to be wild as we’ve never attempted anything like this before!
With that said, as of today, Captain Rhenora Kaylen is now the Commanding Officer of the USS Sunfire, and Captain Sandy “Ghost” Shannon is now the Commanding Officer of the USS Liberty. Congratulations, Captains! May you continue to lead your sims to new heights!
All, here are three command news items to keep everyone up to date:
An audit of our blog revealed that we never announced both of these October 1, 2020 changes of command in this forum: Captain Akeno Misaki of the USS Wayfarer and Captain T’Brei Sheridan of the USS Sunfire.
Captain Sandy “Ghost” Shannon assumed command of the USS Sunfire on May 1, 2021. A special thanks to Captain Sheridan for leading the Sunfire for seven months.
Captain John Wells will assume command of the USS Eminence on June 1, 2021. A special thanks to Captain Polto for leading the Eminence over the last 11 months.
The 2020 Tournament of Simulations (ToS) winners were announced yesterday at Ongoing Worlds. We were fortunate enough to have four of our sims listed among the 23 that won prizes.
Congratulations to the USS Wayfarer, USS Ganymede, Starbase 80, and the USS Liberty! We already knew that all of our sims are fantastic, but it’s still great to get this type of acknowledgement from the community. Well done, IDF!
Outstanding Star Trek:
Star Trek Gameplay:
Independence Fleet actually has a long history of winning at ToS. Our first awards came in 2011 with the USS Liberty and USS Sunfire. 2012 was a monster year with five winners: USS Chirikov, USS Liberty, USS Rioja, USS Sunfire, and USS Victory. We then had one winner apiece in 2013 (USS Victory) and 2014 (USS Chuck Norris).
Excellence in Creativity:
Best Star Trek sim:
USS Victory
Outstanding Star Trek Sim:
USS Chirikov
USS Victory
Excellence in Creativity:
Excellence in Character Development:
Excellence in Readability:
USS Rioja
Best Star Trek Sim:
Most Creative Sim:
Which of our sims are going to win for 2021? It’s anyone’s game!
One year ago today, we launched IDF’s new website and URL. Or was it yesterday? I’m not really sure! Regardless, what a ride it’s been.
On behalf of the Admiralty, thank you to everyone who has been a part of the journey and for making our 10 Star Trek sims as great as they are today. If you’re not currently a member of any of them, feel free to give one a try by clicking their link in the “Join!” column of the table below.
Prose = typical language of a novel or short story Script = role playing syntax similar to a movie script (see this Ongoing Worlds article) Both = uses Prose & Script formats
Traditional = players only write for their own characters (this is how most role plays work) Open = all players write for all characters (see this Ongoing Worlds article)
Our newest sim, the USS Albion launched earlier this week on February 16th. If that date looks familiar, you have a good eye! The original USS Sunfire opened in Utopia Fleet on that date all the way back in the year 2000. The rest, as they say, is history! Speaking of history, this is Captain Dick Sprague’s 10th command in Independence Fleet, by far the most all-time.
While continuing the tradition and legacy of IDF’s USS Avalon series of sims, the Albion seeks to capture the original theme and feel of that original USS Sunfire. As such, this is an open role playing game that uses script format. All potential players are highly encouraged to read the Albion’s Sim page before joining to ensure they know exactly what they’re getting into. It may be different, but it’s a lot of fun.
For “The Illusion of Diplomacy” Junior officers reacting to a hologram of a Vulcan diplomatic officer – hilariarious and well deserving of funniest post this month!
The original USS Sunfire (NCC-3935) was launched in old Utopia Fleet on February 16, 2000 under the command of Commodore Jay “Robbie” Robertson. However, Robertson retired a few months later and James D. West took over. West then commanded two more versions of the Sunfire (NCC-3935-A and NCC-3001) in Utopia Fleet and as an independent sim before Independence Fleet came to be on July 4, 2001. Indeed, the crew of Sunfire was split into three to serve as the backbone for IDF’s original sims: the USS Sunfire (NCC-3001-A), USS Avalon (NCC-3002), and USS Washington (NCC-11988).
In the many years since, we’ve seen three more versions of the Sunfire (NCC-3001-B/C/D). She was awarded the 2010 Simming Prize and took home awards in both the 2011 and 2012 Tournament of Simulations. The Sunny is also where Sunfire script and the concept of open role playing developed. Dozens of future Captains began their careers there. In short, if someone were to make a list of the top five or ten sims in the history of role playing, the Sunfire would have to be on it.
That’s right, she’s back. Captain Thomas Devoe leads his crew in this continuing adventure. Join the sim where legends are born.
Today, on our club’s 19th anniversary, it is my great privilege to formally introduce the Independence Fleet Hall of Fame Class of 2020. Induction into our Hall of Fame is the highest honor within this fleet. The requirements and process can be found in the Hall of Fame Charter (pdf).
The newest members of the Independence Fleet Hall of Fame are hereby announced:
Inducted by Election:
Commander Chameleon “Cam” Circuit
of the USS Washington
One of the most unqiue characters in IDF’s history, no one ever forgot Cam Circuit. His interactions with other crewmembers on the USS Washington ranged from deeply meaningful to downright hilarious. He knew how to make the most of every situation and how to bring out the best in people. Circuit won the Rookie of the Month Award and later captured Most Improved and the now defunct Outstanding Simmer Award.
Lt. Cmdr. Laria Jorel
of the USS Sunfire
One of the leaders on the most successful ship of her era, Laria Jorel helped take the USS Sunfire to new heights. Conquering both quality and quantity, the Sunfire became well known beyond IDF with the entire community. To this day, Jorel still ranks fifth all-time with 8.83 total awards, which includes 3.33 Best Posts and 2 MVPs. Jorel was a master of involving others and taking the story in unexpected directions.
Captain Ena Robi
of the USS Constellation
One of the leading Captains of IDF’s renaissance era, Ena Robi’s USS Constellation crew told some of the most interesting and compelling stories of all-time. Forging their own path forward, they seemlessly integrated the Star Trek universe into their own unique lore. She also totaled 5.5 awards, including 2.5 Genesis Awards. Making this even more impressive, Robi took command in only her third month of simming.
Captain Jimmy Rogers
of the USS Liberty
A Captain with unlimited hosting talent, Jimmy Rogers led the USS Liberty to become one of the top sims of the day. His crewmembers regularly won awards and the Liberty captured three posting titles, including a monster 315-post month that still stands in the top 10 all-time. Rogers won the MVP Award in his first month of simming, took command in his second month, and then later captured 2.33 Genesis Awards.
Admiral Landon Wakeland
of the USS Pioneer
A selfless leader on all fronts, Landon Wakeland improved IDF in nearly every way possible. He enhanced our social media footprint, improved relations with other fleets, and most importantly, launched 10 new sims and welcomed another outside sim into the fleet. He was the force that made IDF go during his era. Best of all, Wakeland was able to implement these changes while still keeping everyone happy.
Inducted by the Veterans Committee:
Captain Gorath
of the USS Raptor
Serving as an Executive Officer for two new sims, Gorath eventually got his shot at command with the USS Raptor. He didn’t disappoint as he won the fleet posting title in his first month. He was a natural leader who kept everyone moving forward whether he was an XO or Captain. Unfortunately, the records of his later exploits remain lost to history. Gorath totaled 5.5 awards, including two Recruitment Awards.
Commander James Sullivan
of the USS Dragon
One of the top simmers of his era, James Sullivan helped make a name for the USS Dragon. A natural Executive Officer, he expertly managed his crew while still implementing the Captain’s vision. He kept everyone engaged by using creative plot twists to provide ways for others to participate and write. Sullivan is still tied for 11th all-time with seven total awards, including three Most Posts.
Congratulations to all seven inductees! Well done! You will now forever be remembered for your extraordinary contributions to Independence Fleet. Thank you for continuing to provide an example to follow for all of us still role playing today. There are now 27 members of this most exclusive club.
On an administrative note, we have discovered documents indicating that 2012 inductee Airika Calhoun’s final/highest rank was not Lieutenant, but Commander. As such, the record has been updated to reflect her rank as Commander. Commander Calhoun hails from the USS Excalibur.
I can only begin to imagine the day when many of our current simmers receive this same honor. Until, let’s role play and have fun!
I am sure no one thought this day would come so soon. Even I am in disbelief that it is already here. But after conferring with members of the Admiralty and others in our simming community, it is with a heavy heart that I announce my retirement as Fleet Admiral/CinC of Independence Fleet, effective 0000 hours EST USA, Wednesday July 1st 2020.
It’s been an amazing journey since July 4th, 2001. I remember starting IDF with three ships and a handful of very dedicated simmers, most of which originated (like myself) from an older, defunct simming fleet. We made it work. And today it has grown into one of the premier online role playing communities on the web.
This wouldn’t have been possible without the tireless hard work and dedication by the Admiralty and Captains, as well as the simmers themselves who really make this happen. Without the talented writers in this group, there would be no community.
After my retirement I can think of no better officer than Charles Star to lead this fleet into the future as Commander-in-Chief. I have known Charles for over 20 years. We served on an old incarnation of the USS Sunfire; he as CMO and me as XO. This friendship would lead us to where we all are now.
Admiral Star has made this fleet his life’s work. When the rest of us had real-life issues keeping us from the simming world, Charles pressed on. He was there during all the difficult times and kept pressing forward, never losing sight of the future for our fleet.
Admiral Star will make one hell of a Commander-in-Chief, and will assume command of Independence Fleet at 0001 hours EST USA, Wednesday July 1st 2020.
As for me, I will continue simming in a non-administrative capacity, as a low-key but active character on one of our great Sims. This is not a retirement from simming. It is a retirement of the Admiralty, and leaving that aspect of our community in Admiral Starts capable hands.