Monthly Awards: May 2021

I hope everyone enjoyed SciWorld yesterday. It was an instant classic! Thank you to all who played a part in putting it on, including Aurther Winters, who was just awarded the Ongoing Worlds Community Honor for his efforts as Chair. Congratulations!

And now, on with the May monthly awards:

Best Post (Single Author)

Lt. Cmdr. Grexx
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Albion

For “Stop blowing holes in my ship!”

A great character introduction, and the character’s introduction to his new ship… along with its problems.

Best Post (Joint Post)

Lt. Cmdr. Estella Stratton & Cmdr. Jonathan Grayson
Chief Counselor / Executive Officer
USS Washington

For “Quiet Time”

A fantastic character development piece between the two Washington crewmembers. Well done!

Funniest Post

Capt. Shran dh’Klar & Lt. Deanna Celes & Cmdr. Jonathan Grayson & Cmdr. Samantha Howard & Lt. Cmdr. Estella Stratton & Ens. Connor Carrick 
CO / OO / XO / CMO / CC / CSO
USS Washington

For “Dealing with Duplicates”

A classic ensemble post that reads like a great sitcom episode! Hilarious!


None this month.


Lt. Cmdr. Grexx
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Albion

The Chief Engineer joined the Albion after many years away from simming. He immediately integrated himself into the story, drove the plot forward, and worked well with the crew. It’s as if he never left!

Most Posts

Lt. Bonnie “Bon-Bon” Durnell
Computer Systems Specialist
USS Liberty

For writing 12 posts.

Most Improved

Ensign James Phoenix
Tactical Officer
USS Washington

Ensign Phoenix dove into the current mission and showed an eager willingness to advance the story, both for his own character and the greater storyline.

Rookie of the Month

None this month.


None this month.

Keep up the great work, everyone, but let’s make sure we have winners in all categories for June!

USS Sunfire & USS Liberty Sim Swap

We know this is crazy, but basically the crews are trading ships: USS Sunfire CO Captain Sandy “Ghost” Shannon & crew and USS Liberty CO Captain Rhenora Kaylen & crew are permanently swapping ships.

Wait, what?

Over the last week, each crewmember added their character to the other sim. Then today, the two Captains published joint genesis posts on each sim: Here’s the Sunfire’s & here’s the Liberty’s. Crewmembers are free to participate on both sims for the remainder of the missions, which will be wrapped up before the end of the month. At that time, legacy Liberty members will have their characters deactivated as they continue on the Sunfire, and legacy Sunfire members will have their characters deactivated as they continue on the Liberty.

Why do this?

Both sims have tremendous histories here at IDF. In fact, IDF was born out of the original Sunfire, and it was one of our three launch sims back in July 2001. Shortly thereafter, the Liberty was our first expansion sim on August 1, 2001. The current registry numbers hark back to those early days. When we relaunched both sims last year, circumstances led to the Liberty crew largely consisting of players from the last incarnation of the Sunfire. They’re simply going home now. And fortunately, the crew of the Sunfire are good enough sports to play along.

How will these joint missions turn out?

I have no idea, but they’re sure to be wild as we’ve never attempted anything like this before!

With that said, as of today, Captain Rhenora Kaylen is now the Commanding Officer of the USS Sunfire, and Captain Sandy “Ghost” Shannon is now the Commanding Officer of the USS Liberty. Congratulations, Captains! May you continue to lead your sims to new heights!

Monthly Awards: April 2021

After our 20th Anniversary Trivia Day on Saturday with prizes, here are your April 2021 Monthly Awards, but unfortunately without prizes:

Best Post (Single Author)

Lt. Bonnie “Bon-Bon” Durnell
Computer Systems Specialist
USS Liberty

For “Time is 07 Hundred”

I love it! No one thinks about the mundane routine of a Starfleet officer and this one does that, with a lot of humor thrown in, along with a good plot hook. Well done!

Best Post (Joint Post)

Capt. Rhenora Kaylen & CPO Remal Kajun
CO / C
USS Liberty

For “Journey into Madness”

Very nice dialog & easy to read. The two of you write well together!

Funniest Post

 Lt. j.g. Travis Ryson
Chief Science Officer
USS Montana

For “Breaking the Fourth Wall”

Unusual use of camera looks and dream sequences. I like it!


Capt. Dick Sprague
Commanding Officer
USS Albion

For “The Undiscovered Starbase”

Just what a genesis post should be: Short, with lots of open ended things happening. This is what gets the creative writing juices flowing.


Cmdr. Savar cha’Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen
Executive Officer
USS Liberty

The XO came up big again: developed our new mission, helped write the Genesis post, and continued to guide and steer the rest of the crew toward our desired outcomes. He is a continued credit to the ship & fleet.

Most Posts

Lt. Bonnie “Bon-Bon” Durnell
Computer Systems Specialist
USS Liberty

For writing 27 posts.

Most Improved

Lt. Dean House
Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Liberty

Lt. House moved the storyline along quite well and also started a joint post to bring the crew together for some well needed off duty action–nicely done!

Rookie of the Month

Maj. Kaden Ross
Marine CO
USS Liberty

Major Ross jumped straight into the fray, getting involved with the current mission and establishing connections with the existing characters. He has already made a great impact on the Liberty in less than a month.


Lt. Aurora Vali
Chief Counselor
USS Liberty

For recruiting the Liberty’s new Marine Chief.

Keep up the great work as we head toward our actual 20th Anniversary this summer on July 4th.

Monthly Awards: March 2021

Sorry for the delay, but your IDF March winners are below:

Best Post (Single Author)

Lt. Sheeraashaa Genno
Chief Security Tactical Officer
USS Albion

For “The Short Straw”

Interesting format, and an even more interesting mystery to solve! Well done!

Best Post (Joint Post)

Capt. Rhenora Kaylen & CPO Remal Kajun
CO / C
USS Liberty

For “Contemplation”

Nice work here. Great turns of phrase, good character development, and excellent dialog. Captains are humans too, after all.

Funniest Post

 Lt. Bonnie “Bon-Bon” Durnell & Lt. Anna These & CPO Sapphire
USS Liberty

For “I am Blue Sasha Fierce pt1”

You had me at backwards Klingon poetry…


Capt. Aurther Winters
Commanding Officer
USS Chuck Norris

For “Truth and Consequences”

Great opening, and lots of directions to take this!


Lt.jg. Awal Kronnelti
Assistant Security/Tactical Officer
USS Chuck Norris

Lt.jg. Kronnelti was consistently excellent all month, coordinating joint posts, keeping the story moving, and leading the way in wrapping up our last mission. He nailed it!

Most Posts

Lt. Bonnie “Bon-Bon” Durnell
Computer Systems Specialist
USS Liberty

For writing 23 posts.

Most Improved

Lt.jg. Djon Zyngh
Chief Science Officer
USS Chuck Norris

Coming off his rookie month, Lt.jg. Zyngh took his writing and role playing to the next level, showing improved coordination with others and introducing several curveballs in the plot.

Rookie of the Month

Lt.jg. Steven McCloud
Chief Medical Officer
USS Chuck Norris

Joining mid-month, Lt.jg. McCloud is already simming like a veteran… it’s as is he’s been role playing for years!


None this month!

In other news, Captain Emmalyn Marcus assumed command of the USS Montana from Captain RS Harrison on April 1st. A special thanks to Captain Harrison for helping us get this sim off the ground, and best of of luck to Captain Marcus as she guides the ship to new heights! Marcus was the Montana’s XO prior to becoming CO.

2020 ToS Winners Announced

The 2020 Tournament of Simulations (ToS) winners were announced yesterday at Ongoing Worlds. We were fortunate enough to have four of our sims listed among the 23 that won prizes.

Congratulations to the USS Wayfarer, USS Ganymede, Starbase 80, and the USS Liberty! We already knew that all of our sims are fantastic, but it’s still great to get this type of acknowledgement from the community. Well done, IDF!

Outstanding Star Trek:

Star Trek Gameplay:

Independence Fleet actually has a long history of winning at ToS. Our first awards came in 2011 with the USS Liberty and USS Sunfire. 2012 was a monster year with five winners: USS Chirikov, USS Liberty, USS Rioja, USS Sunfire, and USS Victory. We then had one winner apiece in 2013 (USS Victory) and 2014 (USS Chuck Norris).


Excellence in Creativity:


Best Star Trek sim:

USS Victory


Outstanding Star Trek Sim:

USS Chirikov

USS Victory

Excellence in Creativity:

Excellence in Character Development:

Excellence in Readability:

USS Rioja


Best Star Trek Sim:

Most Creative Sim:

Which of our sims are going to win for 2021? It’s anyone’s game!

Monthly Awards: February 2021

Another month in the books, another set of fleet awards presented.

Congratulations to all of our February winners below:

Best Post (Single Author)

Lt.jg. T’Ponga Shemara
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Montana

For “A New Posting”

Great character development, brushing the exterior of being half Human and half Vulcan.

Best Post (Joint Post)

Cmdr. Savar cha’Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen & Capt. Rhenora Kaylen & Lt. Dean House & Lt. Bonnie “Bon-Bon” Durnell & Lt. Aurora Vali & Lt.jg. Sarah Wilson & CPO Remal Kajun & Crewman Ronson Mitchell
XO / CO / ASTO / CSS / CC / MO / C / Y
USS Liberty

For “The Needs of the …….”

What a nice post! Well integrated with meaningful dialog: proof that concepts of machismo are not limited to time and space. Well done!

Funniest Post

 Lt. Sheeraashaa Genno
Chief Security Tactical Officer
USS Albion

For “On the Loose”

Is this Star Trek or Galaxy Quest?


Capt. Dick Sprague
Commanding Officer
USS Albion

For “Nebulous”

Simple, but completely open ended for the crew mold the story in the spirit of open role playing.


Lt. John Wyatt
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Chuck Norris

Lt. Wyatt created a whole different universe with a complex storyline that he perfectly weaved into the main plot in small segments.

Most Posts

Ens. Julius Mack
Science Officer
USS Albion

For writing 28 posts.

Most Improved

Lt.jg. Steven Wright
Encryption Specialist
USS Chuck Norris

After being MIA for a bit due to real life, he came back strong at the end of month leading several joint posts that helped the crew drive the plot forward in a big way.

Rookie of the Month

Ens. Julius Mack
Science Officer
USS Albion

Brand new to simming, Ensign Mack started with the rest of the Albion crew mid-month and still managed to produce a fleet-leading 28 posts! Even more than that, he integrated well into the game and learned how to include his character while also writing for others.


Ens. Robert Lee
Tactical Officer
USS Wayfarer

He started a conversation with someone that led to that individual joining another IDF sim. That’s how you recruit!

Well done to all! Keep role playing!

One Year Ago…

One year ago today, we launched IDF’s new website and URL. Or was it yesterday? I’m not really sure! Regardless, what a ride it’s been.

On behalf of the Admiralty, thank you to everyone who has been a part of the journey and for making our 10 Star Trek sims as great as they are today. If you’re not currently a member of any of them, feel free to give one a try by clicking their link in the “Join!” column of the table below.

BothOpenTNG/DSN/VOYDefiantChuck Norris
ProseTraditionalStar Trek: PicardSaberEminence
BothTraditionalPost-Dominion WarLunaGanymede
ProseTraditionalPost-Dominion WarSovereignLiberty
ProseTraditionalTOS MoviesMirandaMontana
BothOpenPost-Dominion WarAkiraSunfire
ProseOpenPost-Dominion WarSovereignWashington
BothTraditionalPost-Dominion WarIntrepidWayfarer
ProseTraditionalPost-Dominion WarN/AStarbase 80

Prose = typical language of a novel or short story
Script = role playing syntax similar to a movie script (see this Ongoing Worlds article)
Both = uses Prose & Script formats

Traditional = players only write for their own characters (this is how most role plays work)
Open = all players write for all characters (see this Ongoing Worlds article)

We’ll see you onboard!

Monthly Awards: January 2021

I hope your new year is off to a good start! And if it’s not, I trust simming with us here in IDF is giving you a good creative outlet.

If you remember from last month’s announcement, we are now presenting two Best Post awards, one for a single author post and one for a joint author post.

Without further ado, here are your January award winners:

Best Post (Single Author)

Chief Petty Officer Remal Kajun
USS Liberty

For “Stumped”

Fine piece of writing here! Quiet and introspective, a solid juxtaposition to the excitement of life aboard a starship.

Best Post (Joint Post)

Capt. Rhenora Kaylen & Crewman Ronson Mitchell & Cmdr. Savar cha’Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen & Lt. Dean House & Lt. Aurora Vali
CO / Yeoman / XO / ASTO / CC
USS Liberty

For “Survival of the Fittest Pt 3”

Fantastic writing with an interesting setting!

Funniest Post

 CPO Sapphire & Lt. Bonnie “Bon-Bon” Durnell
Master at Arms / Computer Systems Specialist
USS Liberty

For “Green With Envy, Red in the Face, Blue All Over”

Lots of good jokes in here, along with a mighty fine piece of role playing.


Capt. Rhenora Kaylen & Cmdr. Savar cha’Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen
USS Liberty

For “The Jungle”

Great opening with a cliffhanger of an ending. Well done!


Cmdr. Savar cha’Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen
Executive Officer
USS Liberty

What an exceptional month of role playing! He not only led the fleet in posting, but also crafted a fabulous idea for the Liberty’s new mission and encouraged some new players as they got their footing.

Most Posts

Cmdr. Savar cha’Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen
Executive Officer
USS Liberty

For writing 30 posts.

Most Improved

Lt. Michael Stonebridge
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Washington

His posting consistently pulled the crew in and kept the story moving and fresh. He also worked behind the scenes on several collaborations.

Rookie of the Month

Lt. Dean House
Assistant Security/Tactical Officer
USS Liberty

Lt. House jumped into the Liberty’s plot with gusto, with an impressive 12 posts in only two weeks. He also helped organize the Liberty’s discord and became a main character in the current series of posts.


Lt. Cmdr. Emmalyn Marcus
Executive Officer
USS Montana

The XO recruited one new player and continues to give the Montana a good presence elsewhere on the web.

Congratulations to all of our winners! Congratulations is also due to our very own Charles Star and former Director of Art Sadie Stanton as they won the prestigious Simming Prize due to their work producing The Simming Endeavor game show back on 2019. Well done to all!

Monthly Awards: December 2020

What a great way to close out a dreadful year: with monthly awards! Before we reveal the winners, I want to announce a change for next month’s awards:

Starting in January, we will be awarding two Best Posts each month: One for a single author post and one for a joint post. Sim Commanding Officers will be eligible for the joint post version. This is a result of your feedback and several discussions over the last few months. We heard you!

Now, on to the the December winners:

Best Post

Lt. Cmdr. Tyroh Vantic
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Liberty

For “Cultural Exchange pt.2”

While there were multiple excellent submissions for Best Post this month, it’s clear that this writer is very familiar with the post’s subject matter: martial arts. It’s one of those rare posts that truly develops a character, providing a great baseline to be used in future missions.

Funniest Post

 Lt. Anna Thesia & Lt. Bonnie “Bon-Bon” Durnell
Chief Medical Officer / Computer Systems Specialist
USS Liberty

For “Cocoa”

A woman dressed like a tree and wearing [EDITED]less chaps… hard to beat this post for straight up humor.


Captain Abe Polto
Commanding Officer
USS Eminence

For “Briefing”

New crew, new captain, and a traditional Genesis post: Solid all around.


Lt. Anna Thesia
Chief Medical Officer
USS Liberty

The Liberty’s intrepid Doctor built upon her Rookie award last month and has engaged every player onboard for a joint post, drawing the already tight crew even closer together. She is motivating, engaging, and a lovely person to write with.

Most Posts

Lt. Anna Thesia
Chief Medical Officer
USS Liberty

For writing 26 posts.

Most Improved

Lt. Cmdr. Tyroh Vantic
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Liberty

Vantic returned from a leave of absence with a delightful 4 posts, jumping straight into the organic and detailed storyline without hesitation. A seasoned player from the old days of IDF, it is an honor to have him back onboard.

Rookie of the Month

Lieutenant JG Steven Wright
Encryption Specialist
USS Chuck Norris

Joining at the beginning of December, Wright made a great impression with both Captain and crew through his posts and shows great promise for future growth.


None this month!

Thanks again for another great month, and don’t forget about the change with Best Post for January. You can read more about all of the awards here.

Monthly Awards: November 2020

This may be the earliest we’ve gotten the awards out this year. Congratulations to all of the winners!

Best Post

Cmdr. Samantha Howard & Lt.jg. Carolyn Fredrickson & Cmdr. Jonathan Grayson
USS Washington

For “Ground Zero”

Funniest Post

 Lt. Cmdr. Balen Pibb
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Chuck Norris

For “My Stick”


Captain Aurther Winters
Commanding Officer
USS Chuck Norris

For “Not Where I Belong”


Lt. Anna Thesia
Chief Medical Officer
USS Liberty

Although brand new to the Liberty, Dr. Thesia threw herself into the current mission and established a fantastic report with the crew. She has posted both solo and joint posts and is very active on Discord.

Most Posts

Lt. Bonnie “Bon-Bon” Durnell
Computer Systems Specialist
USS Liberty

For writing 18 posts.

Most Improved

Lt. Cmdr. Balen Pibb
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Chuck Norris

After having communication issues with others, Pibb came back into the fray with increasing post quantity and quality.

Rookie of the Month

Lt. Anna Thesia
Chief Medical Officer
USS Liberty

Dr. Thesia came onboard the Liberty with a bang, throwing herself into the mix with an amazing 8 posts within her first 10 days. She is an amazingly talented writer who motivates and encourages others to participate.


Lt. J’goss Yass G’odoss
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Chuck Norris

He recruited two new crewmembers to the ship in November, and continues to put the good name of the Chuck Norris out there on the Interwebs.

Congratulations to everyone again and have a great holiday season.