Monthly Awards: August 2022

It’s that time again…

Best Post (Single Author)

Lieutenant Torvin Anor
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Wayfarer

For “Counting flotsam and jetsam”

We often forget the tedium of being an engineer. This post is great in its illustration of that.

Best Post (Joint Post)

Capt. Shran dh’Klar & Lt. Ayana Hillis & Lt. Cmdr. Deanna Celes & Cmdr. Jonathan Grayson & Cmdr. Samantha Howard & Lt. Cmdr. Shoniara T’ghann-Travis & Lt. Cmdr. Callie Raven-Grayson & Ens. T’Plana-hath & Ens. James Phoenix & Lt. Seth Travis & PO1 Amethyst Reece
CO / ACRTO / OO / XO / CMO / ACMO / CC / IO / TO / CDO / CA
USS Washington

For “Bringing Them Home”

This is a great holodeck scene featuring Lord of the Rings characters. A nice juxtaposition between real time events happening on the bridge while seconds are passing on the holodeck. Fun!

Funniest Post

Cmdr. Dean House & Lt. Bonnie “Bon-Bon” Durnell
USS Sunfire

For “Feels like the first time Pt 4”

Nothing like a decaying Deanwich to help you get to the bottom of something…


Captain Shran dh’Klar
Commanding Officer
USS Washington

For “A Breach in Temporal Accords”

Nice multi-scene genesis post about time travel. Excellent use of Daniels!


Lieutenant JG Luna Eclipse of the House of Martok
Flight Control Officer
USS Wayfarer

The Wayfarer’s FCO had a fantastic month, leading and organizing posts while also injecting some great Klingon humor into the story.

Most Posts

Lt. Cmdr. Shoniara T’ghann-Travis
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Washington

For writing 15 posts.

Most Improved

Lieutenant JG Aurora Vali
Chief Counselor
USS Sunfire

The Sunfire’s Chief Counselor had many contributions this month, but the most noticeable was moving the plot forward in creative ways that inspired other players to take some chances.

Rookie of the Month

Lieutenant Nicole Logan
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Washington

Lt. Logan wasted no time in getting to know her fellow crewmembers, jumping immediately into the action.


None this month

2022 is nearly 3/4 done. Keep the great posts coming.

Monthly Awards: April 2022

It’s time to announce our April award winners:

Best Post (Single Author)

Lieutenant Ashlesha 4827/A
Chief Operations Officer
USS Sunfire

For “Cooling Her Heels”

A wonderfully crafted post inside the mind of the character.

Best Post (Joint Post)

Capt. Akeno Misaki & Lt. Cmdr. Jonathan Miller & Lt. Ileah & Lt. Torvin Anor & Lt. Raelyn Mckenzie & Lt. Rania Bhatti & Lt. Mark Johnson & Ens. Magnum Rhodes
CO / XO / Yeoman / CEO / CSTO / CC / CMO / FCO
USS Wayfarer

For “Going ‘down'”

I love this post! It’s very well integrated and an exciting atmospheric entry and landing.

Funniest Post

Lt. Ayana Hillis & Lt. Deanna Celes & Cmdr. Jonathan Grayson & Cmdr. Samantha Howard & Lt. Aiko Kato & Lt. Shoniara T’ghann-Travis & PO1 Class Amethyst Reece
TO / OO / XO / CMO / FCO / ACMO / CA
USS Washington

For “Medical Mystery”

I dunno why but sleepy Starfleet officers are funny.


None this month


Lieutenant Commander Michael Murphy
Executive Officer
USS Montana

What a great officer and role player! With the Captain away, he steps right up and leads the sim without missing a beat. First class in all respects.

Most Posts

Cmdr. Jonathan Grayson & Cmdr. Savar cha’Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen
Executive Officer / Executive Officer
USS Washington & USS Sunfire

For writing 9 posts.

Most Improved

Lieutenant Commander Dean House
Second Officer
USS Sunfire

Stepping up for both the CO and XO, he flawlessly ran the sim, and as always, continues to be a great sounding board for the rest of the crew.

Rookie of the Month

None this month


None this month

I think we can call this the XO month! Happy role playing, IDF!

Monthly Awards: January 2022

I apologize for the delay on getting the January awards out. I promise it was Admiral Star’s fault! Regardless, here are your January winners.

Admiral Star edit: Unfortunately, that’s true.

Best Post (Single Author)

Lieutenant Bonnie “Bon-Bon” Durnell
Computer Systems Specialist
USS Sunfire

For “Can you see me daddy?”

Wow! A fantastic piece of writing! It kept me super engaged and was emotionally fulfilling to boot. Well done!

Best Post (Joint Post)

Captain Akeno Misaki & Lieutenant Ileah & Lieutenant Raelyn Mckenzie & Lieutenant JG Torvin Anor
CO / Yeoman / CSTO / CEO
USS Wayfarer

For “Junior Emerges”

A very nice post with tense writing with a pleasing cliffhanger. Well done again!

Funniest Post

Ensign Laurel Zatara
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Albion

For “Get out of there! Get out!”

Not a laugh out loud post, but funny given the context.


Captain Shran dh’Klar
Commanding Officer
USS Washington

For “A Needed Rest”

You don’t see a lot of detailed posts like this kicking off shore leave. I like it!


Ensign Laurel Zatara
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Albion

Ens. Zatara joined during January and immediately finished second on the ship in posting. Even better than that, her posts were always excellent, driving the plot forward while giving other players a chance to get in on the action, and best of all, they were usually pretty funny–which is par for the course on the Albion.

Most Posts

Lieutenant Shoniara T’ghann Dex
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Washington

For writing 25 posts.

Most Improved

Lieutenant JG Torvin Anor
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Wayfarer

Lt. jg. Torvin joined the Wayfarer as an engineering officer and was initially mainly in the background. However, after the recent mission he really stepped up and into place of a CEO both in and out of character. He is a pleasure to write with.

Rookie of the Month

None this month.


None this month.

Thanks for a great start to 2022. Keep the excellent posting coming!