It’s been more than a year since the last major awards were presented. Here is our fourth Special Commendation Medal, which is awarded for achievement above and beyond the call of duty at the crewmember level.
Special Commendation Medal
Awarded to Lieutenant Commander Shoniara T’ghann-Travis (previously known as Shoniara T’ghann Dex before her marriage in-story) of the USS Washington for sustained superior role playing. Using her encyclopedic knowledge of Trek, she effortlessly writes detailed posts and collaborates with others to tell truly immersive stories within the canon. In the nearly two years since her first post on August 19, 2021, she has tallied 9.33 total awards, good for 13th place all-time, which includes one MVP and five Most Posts.
With 2022 in the books, it’s high time we checked in with the latest version of the IDF Record Book over on our About page. As it turns out, we have a new all-time leader in monthly awards. Lieutenant Bonnie “Bon-Bon” Durnell of the USS Sunfire now has a grand total of 29.83 awards, passing the previous leader, Jenna Ramthorne (of a prior version of the Sunfire), who has 24.83. What’s even more incredible, is that both characters are played by the same person!
Best Post
Funniest Post
Most Posts
Most Improved
Prolific across multiple award categories, the two stat lines seem to mirror each other. However, the difference is clearly Durnell’s five plus Funniest Post awards to Ramthorne’s zero. See what adding humor to your game can do! Congratulations to Lieutenant Durnell on this incredible accomplishment!
As it turns out, we have quite a few current or recent members who have moved up leader board since we brought the Awards back for March 2020:
Active Member — received an award within the last year or confirmed to currently be on a sim Hall of Famer
All characters with five or more total monthly awards
In addition to all those who’ve won awards, I also want to thank each of our sim Commanding Officers for submitting nominations month-in and month-out and to Rear Admiral James “Rook” Mirtoh for running the program and selecting winners. Without their tireless efforts, the awards simply wouldn’t be possible.
I’ve long been of the opinion that the monthly awards are one of the absolute best features of this fleet, and they’re a key bonus that really distinguishes us from other groups out there. The numbers speak for themselves: Through the end of 2022, we have 969 total documented awards presented to 506 different individuals through 1,226 different award records. Each one is permanently part of our continuing history, starting all the way back with the five original awards presented for our very first month of July 2001 going up through today and beyond.
I love this post! It’s simple, just a crewmember getting ready for her shift, but the detail about sharing a bunk and all that goes into getting ready for a shift on the bridge is compelling. Well done!
Best Post (Joint Post)
Capt. Shran dh’Klar & Lt. Deanna Celes & Cmdr. Samantha Howard & Lt. Shoniara T’ghann Dex & Lt. Callie Raven-Grayson & Lt. Seth Travis & Petty Officer 1st Class Amethyst Reece CO / OO / CMO / ACMO / CC / CDO / CA USS Washington
This was a really tough choice as there were three absolutely outstanding nominations. However, this one rose to the top due to its unique writing style of switching back and forth between Dex’s dream and the happenings in Sickbay. The incredible descriptive detail of Dex’s visions made me feel like I was actually there.
Funniest Post
Lieutenant Aurora Vali& Lieutenant Niali Korial Chief Counselor / Chief Medical Officer USS Sunfire
This one could have been nominated for funniest post! However, it lays out the mission parameters just fine and really gets the crew going. Well done!
Lieutenant Rania Bhatti Chief Counselor USS Wayfarer
Since coming aboard Lt Bhatti has consistent produced top notch quality writing in all of her posts. Her creativity has been a boon of inspiration for the rest of the crew as well.
Most Posts
Lieutenant Shoniara T’ghann Dex Assistant Chief Medical Officer USS Washington
For writing 11 posts.
Most Improved
Lieutenant Callie Raven-Grayson Chief Counselor USS Washington
The Washington’s Counselor has done remarkable work for her own character development as well as creating opportunities for her crewmates.
The Albion’s newest Marine hit the ground running in her first ever month of simming with 3 posts, each one better than the one before, she’s really getting the swing of things.
You don’t see a lot of detailed posts like this kicking off shore leave. I like it!
Ensign Laurel Zatara Chief Flight Control Officer USS Albion
Ens. Zatara joined during January and immediately finished second on the ship in posting. Even better than that, her posts were always excellent, driving the plot forward while giving other players a chance to get in on the action, and best of all, they were usually pretty funny–which is par for the course on the Albion.
Most Posts
Lieutenant Shoniara T’ghann Dex Assistant Chief Medical Officer USS Washington
For writing 25 posts.
Most Improved
Lieutenant JG Torvin Anor Chief Engineering Officer USS Wayfarer
Lt. jg. Torvin joined the Wayfarer as an engineering officer and was initially mainly in the background. However, after the recent mission he really stepped up and into place of a CEO both in and out of character. He is a pleasure to write with.
Rookie of the Month
None this month.
None this month.
Thanks for a great start to 2022. Keep the excellent posting coming!
Happy new year! As we close out 2021, I think of all the many great things that happened in this fleet over the last 12 months. There’s not enough room here for it all! But we do have room for our final batch of 2021 award winners…
Best Post (Single Author)
Lieutenant Aiko Kato Flight Control Officer USS Washington
Lt. Kato wins for an incredible third month in a row with an excellent character introspective that distills information into direction for the rest of the crew. Well done!
Best Post (Joint Post)
Lt. Callie Raven-Grayson & Cmdr. Jonathan Grayson & Lt. Shoniara T’ghann Dex CC / XO / ACMO USS Washington
Commander Jenna Ramthorne Chief Flight Control Officer USS Sunfire
Cmdr. Ramthorne returns to action! She’s a brilliant writer and an incredible asset to the ship and fleet, always willing to lend a hand or an ear to whoever needs it.
Most Posts
Lieutenant Shoniara T’ghann Dex Assistant Chief Medical Officer USS Washington
For writing 22 posts.
Most Improved
Lieutenant Brakon Ryal Executive Officer USS Eminence
Lt. Ryal really stepped up his game, driving the story forward and helping organize posts.
The W’s new security officer jumped aboard with phasers blazing. He showed an ability to adapt quickly and push the story forward, all while developing his own character and working with others.
Gets the story going and leaves many openings for other players to take the story in different directions, everything a Genesis post should be.
Lieutenant Callie Raven-Grayson Chief Counselor USS Washington
The Washington’s Counselor has really came into her own, crafting in-depth posts that moved the story, included much of the crew, and created lots of personal development for both herself and others.
Most Posts
Lieutenant Shoniara T’ghann Dex Assistant Chief Medical Officer USS Washington
For writing 13 posts.
Most Improved
Commander Finchley Kerr Chief Strategic Operations Officer USS Sunfire
Finchley stepped up big by driving the plot forward, offering many valuable suggestions, and creating opportunities to engage the rest of the crew.
Rookie of the Month
None this month.
None this month.
Congratulations to our award winners. I’ll see you again in 2022!
Love this! Well written prose from the perspective of a cat. Super awesome!
Lt. Niles McCulloch & Ensign Trevor Andrews & Capt. Emmalyn Marcus & Lt. Cmdr. T’Ponga Shemara & Lt. Sykon Son of Sran. Son of Kanok & Lt. Angelus De’luvia & Lt. JG Travis Ryson ACEO / EO / CO / CEO / XO / CNO / CSO USS Montana
Great, well rounded genesis post. Hits all the right notes.
Lieutenant Angelus De’luvia Chief Navigation Officer USS Montana
Lt. De’luvia is the consummate team player who is not afraid to voice concerns or alternative ideas. He’s a great asset to both story and crew.
Most Posts
Lt. Bonnie “Bon-Bon” Durnell Computer Systems Specialist USS Sunfire
For writing 13 posts.
Most Improved
Commander Finchley Kerr Chief Strategic Operations Officer USS Sunfire
The newest member of the Sunfire crew, he weaved his way into the current mission with both joint and solo posts, coming up with some great ideas along the way.
Rookie of the Month
Lieutenant JG Shoniara T’ghann Dex Assistant Chief Medical Officer USS Washington
The Washington’s new Medical Officer hit the ground running with some amazing solo work and group posting–the future is bright!