Monthly Awards: November 2024

Best Post (Single Author)

Crewman Thyra Kevensdotter
Security Officer
USS Firebird

For “Coding for a Friend”

Great dialog makes for a great post!

Best Post (Joint Post)

Capt. Akeno Misaki & Cmdr. Mashiro Munetani “Shiro” & Lt. Cmdr. Raelyn Mckenzie & Lt. Cmdr. Mark Johnson & Lt. Luna Eclipse of the House of Martok & Lt. Rania Bhatti
USS Wayfarer

For “Delecita Asperelda (Part 2)”

A great ending for a two-parter.

Funniest Post

Cmdr. Jonathan Grayson & Cmdr. Samantha Howard & Lt. Cmdr. Callie Raven-Grayson & Lt. JG Kate Kono
USS Washington

For “The Mirror & The Reflection”

This crew really knows how to write together, playing off each others’ strengths and setting the stage for the next section.


Capt. Mira Rodale & Cmdr. Kevin Lance & Lt. Cmdr. Awal Kronnelti & Lt. Tracey Walker Jr & Lt. Betaras K’ner
USS Chuck Norris

For “Guess Whose Coming to Dinner?”

A great start for a mission that can be taken in many different ways.


Commander Jenna Ramthorne
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Sunfire

A sterling example of when quality and quantity meet. Her invaluable postings took the sim to the next level this month.

Most Posts

Commander Jenna Ramthorne
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Sunfire

For writing 18 posts.

Most Improved

Lieutenant Imik S’Niohun
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Washington

Produced excellent contributions in every post she participated in.

Rookie of the Month

Ensign Eiren Readil
USS Sunfire

Brand new to simming, he participated in 2 joint posts.


None this month.

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!

Rear Admiral Aurther Winters
Director of Personnel
Independence Fleet

Monthly Awards: February 2024

Happy Ides of March, everybody!

Best Post (Single Author)

Lieutenant Steve Ryan
Chief Communications and Operations Officer
USS Montana

For “Reapacification”

Duty calls!

Best Post (Joint Post)

Capt. Malcom Llwyedd & Lt. Cmdr. Cynfor Rees & Lt. Cmdr. Jörgen Leed & Lt. Tor Ezzo & Lt. Owen Woodhouse
USS Firebird

For “This isn’t a Simulator!”

Great action and plot development!

Funniest Post

Lt. Cmdr. Deanna Celes & Lt. Inara Senn & Ens. James Phoenix
USS Washington

For “Following the Evidence”

Great writing!


Cmdr. Mashiro Munetani “Shiro” & Capt. Akeno Misaki & Lt. Cmdr. Raelyn Mckenzie & Lt. Cmdr. Mark Johnson & Lt. Ileah & Lt. Luna Eclipse of the House of Martok & Lt. Rania Bhatti & Lt. JG Patra Rommel
XO / CO / CSTO / CMO / Y / CFCO / CC / CES
USS Wayfarer

For “Revisiting the Past”

A great way to build into the mission.


Commander Mira Rodale
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris

The Chuck Norris’s XO continues to set the pace for the ship, even stepping up as the current CO is due to stand down. She expertly leads the ship both in and out of character and is slated to become the full-time CO next month.

Most Posts

Commander Mira Rodale
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris

For writing 49 posts.

Most Improved

Lieutenant Commander Thriss Kla’ren
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Sunfire

The Gunfire’s CEO made outstanding contributions during the month during the CD mini-mission that not only developed her own character but set up great opportunities for others to use as well.

Rookie of the Month

Lieutenant Commander Kataxes
Chief Medical Officer
USS Firebird

The Firebird’s new CMO jumped into simming with a radically different and unique character, and is not only pulling it off, but crushing it.


None this month.

The great posting continues!

Monthly Awards: April 2022

It’s time to announce our April award winners:

Best Post (Single Author)

Lieutenant Ashlesha 4827/A
Chief Operations Officer
USS Sunfire

For “Cooling Her Heels”

A wonderfully crafted post inside the mind of the character.

Best Post (Joint Post)

Capt. Akeno Misaki & Lt. Cmdr. Jonathan Miller & Lt. Ileah & Lt. Torvin Anor & Lt. Raelyn Mckenzie & Lt. Rania Bhatti & Lt. Mark Johnson & Ens. Magnum Rhodes
CO / XO / Yeoman / CEO / CSTO / CC / CMO / FCO
USS Wayfarer

For “Going ‘down'”

I love this post! It’s very well integrated and an exciting atmospheric entry and landing.

Funniest Post

Lt. Ayana Hillis & Lt. Deanna Celes & Cmdr. Jonathan Grayson & Cmdr. Samantha Howard & Lt. Aiko Kato & Lt. Shoniara T’ghann-Travis & PO1 Class Amethyst Reece
TO / OO / XO / CMO / FCO / ACMO / CA
USS Washington

For “Medical Mystery”

I dunno why but sleepy Starfleet officers are funny.


None this month


Lieutenant Commander Michael Murphy
Executive Officer
USS Montana

What a great officer and role player! With the Captain away, he steps right up and leads the sim without missing a beat. First class in all respects.

Most Posts

Cmdr. Jonathan Grayson & Cmdr. Savar cha’Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen
Executive Officer / Executive Officer
USS Washington & USS Sunfire

For writing 9 posts.

Most Improved

Lieutenant Commander Dean House
Second Officer
USS Sunfire

Stepping up for both the CO and XO, he flawlessly ran the sim, and as always, continues to be a great sounding board for the rest of the crew.

Rookie of the Month

None this month


None this month

I think we can call this the XO month! Happy role playing, IDF!

Monthly Awards: February 2022

With month two of 2022 in the books, let’s present our February awards:

Best Post (Single Author)

Lieutenant Aiko Kato
Flight Control Officer
USS Washington

For “Alpha Shift”

I love this post! It’s simple, just a crewmember getting ready for her shift, but the detail about sharing a bunk and all that goes into getting ready for a shift on the bridge is compelling. Well done!

Best Post (Joint Post)

Capt. Shran dh’Klar & Lt. Deanna Celes & Cmdr. Samantha Howard & Lt. Shoniara T’ghann Dex & Lt. Callie Raven-Grayson & Lt. Seth Travis & Petty Officer 1st Class Amethyst Reece
CO / OO / CMO / ACMO / CC / CDO / CA
USS Washington

For “The Stuff of Dreams”

This was a really tough choice as there were three absolutely outstanding nominations. However, this one rose to the top due to its unique writing style of switching back and forth between Dex’s dream and the happenings in Sickbay. The incredible descriptive detail of Dex’s visions made me feel like I was actually there.

Funniest Post

Lieutenant Aurora Vali & Lieutenant Niali Korial
Chief Counselor / Chief Medical Officer
USS Sunfire

For “Apologies”

Awkward, right down to the OOC argument at the end!


Captain Dick Sprague
Commanding Officer
USS Albion

For “The Good Ole’ Boys”

This one could have been nominated for funniest post! However, it lays out the mission parameters just fine and really gets the crew going. Well done!


Lieutenant Rania Bhatti
Chief Counselor
USS Wayfarer

Since coming aboard Lt Bhatti has consistent produced top notch quality writing in all of her posts. Her creativity has been a boon of inspiration for the rest of the crew as well.

Most Posts

Lieutenant Shoniara T’ghann Dex
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Washington

For writing 11 posts.

Most Improved

Lieutenant Callie Raven-Grayson
Chief Counselor
USS Washington

The Washington’s Counselor has done remarkable work for her own character development as well as creating opportunities for her crewmates.

Rookie of the Month

2nd Lieutenant Emily Janeway
USS Albion

The Albion’s newest Marine hit the ground running in her first ever month of simming with 3 posts, each one better than the one before, she’s really getting the swing of things.


None this month.

Thanks again for the great simming last month!