Monthly Awards: September 2024

Best Post (Single Author)

Lt. Soto Gantt
Assistant Chief Engineering Officer
USS Firebird

For “From The Wreckage”

An excellent post of overall story telling.

Best Post (Joint Post)

Capt. Malcom Llwyedd & Lt. Cmdr. Rhiana t’Aegis & Lt. Cmdr. Jörgen Leed & Lt. Tor Ezzo & Lt. Ceilidh Parsala & WO Arlan Harlan & Lt. JG T’Kuvo
USS Firebird

For “Getting Underway”

The crew of the Firebird again showing that when you mix in all the talent on a sim, the teamwork really does show and shine, well done.

Funniest Post

Cmdr. Jennifer Baldric & Cmdr. Savar cha’Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen & Cmdr. Jenna Ramthorne & Lt. Cmdr. Aurora Vali & Ens. Aubrie Fox
MA / XO / CFCO / CC / TO
USS Sunfire

For “Day 4 – Nearing Home”

When you’re writing for a mission called Lost in Space, you know there is going to but a good little but of fun.


Captain Shran dh’Klar & Commander Jonathan Grayson
Commanding Officer / Executive Officer
USS Washington

For “Shadow Games”

with two talented writers contributing to the first post of a mission, you know it’s going to be a ride.


Commander Samantha Howard
Chief Medical Officer
USS Washington

The Washington’s CMO has a knack for posting just the right thing at just the right time, and for encouraging players outside the game to keep them inspired.

Most Posts

Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris

For writing 20 posts.

Most Improved

Lieutenant Commander Aurora Vali
Chief Counselor
USS Sunfire

Kind hearted, consistent, and always showing respect and integrity, the Sunfire’s Counselor is truly a pleasure to have onboard.

Rookie of the Month

Lieutenant Gale Deekros
Science Officer
USS Firebird

A fantastic writer with three new posts in short order, also active and engaged on Discord!


Lieutenant Owen Woodhouse
Chief Operations Officer
USS Firebird

He brought in two new fantastic writers in one month, and one is brand new to simming.

Rear Admiral Aurther Winters
Director of Personnel
Independence Fleet

Monthly Awards: February 2024

Happy Ides of March, everybody!

Best Post (Single Author)

Lieutenant Steve Ryan
Chief Communications and Operations Officer
USS Montana

For “Reapacification”

Duty calls!

Best Post (Joint Post)

Capt. Malcom Llwyedd & Lt. Cmdr. Cynfor Rees & Lt. Cmdr. Jörgen Leed & Lt. Tor Ezzo & Lt. Owen Woodhouse
USS Firebird

For “This isn’t a Simulator!”

Great action and plot development!

Funniest Post

Lt. Cmdr. Deanna Celes & Lt. Inara Senn & Ens. James Phoenix
USS Washington

For “Following the Evidence”

Great writing!


Cmdr. Mashiro Munetani “Shiro” & Capt. Akeno Misaki & Lt. Cmdr. Raelyn Mckenzie & Lt. Cmdr. Mark Johnson & Lt. Ileah & Lt. Luna Eclipse of the House of Martok & Lt. Rania Bhatti & Lt. JG Patra Rommel
XO / CO / CSTO / CMO / Y / CFCO / CC / CES
USS Wayfarer

For “Revisiting the Past”

A great way to build into the mission.


Commander Mira Rodale
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris

The Chuck Norris’s XO continues to set the pace for the ship, even stepping up as the current CO is due to stand down. She expertly leads the ship both in and out of character and is slated to become the full-time CO next month.

Most Posts

Commander Mira Rodale
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris

For writing 49 posts.

Most Improved

Lieutenant Commander Thriss Kla’ren
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Sunfire

The Gunfire’s CEO made outstanding contributions during the month during the CD mini-mission that not only developed her own character but set up great opportunities for others to use as well.

Rookie of the Month

Lieutenant Commander Kataxes
Chief Medical Officer
USS Firebird

The Firebird’s new CMO jumped into simming with a radically different and unique character, and is not only pulling it off, but crushing it.


None this month.

The great posting continues!