When it comes to awards, it’s certainly tough to follow the Hall of Fame. However, we’re still going to try. The show must go on! Here are your June 2020 award winners:
Best Post

Ensign Balen Pibb
Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Chuck Norris
For “Tantrums about”
A funny little interaction that moves the plot forward more than meets the eye.
Funniest Post

Lt. Mackenzie Graham & Lt. Donovan Steele
Chief Medical Officer/Chief Operations Officer
USS Ganymede
For “Steele a moment”
Crewmembers meeting each other for the first time. Sometimes it’s big, sometimes it’s not.

Capt. Shran dh’Klar & Lt. L’Rissa & Lt. Deanna Celes
Commanding Officer/Flight Control Officer/Operations Officer
USS Washington
For “Curiosity Has Risks”
It may be simple, but I’m sure of one thing: This is going to be a great mission.

Lt. Cmdr. Aliss Springs
Head Nurse
USS Eminence
Springs kept the story going and single-handedly saved this sim after both the CO and XO quit. She also recruited new players and now the game is humming along.
Most Posts

Commander Samantha Howard
Chief Medical Officer
USS Washington
For writing 7 posts.
Most Improved

Lt. Cmdr. Estella Stratton
Chief Counselor
USS Washington
Stratton took it upon herself to push hard into the mission, showcased leadership skills, and did some excellent writing.

Lt. Cmdr. Aliss Springs
Head Nurse
USS Eminence
As mentioned earlier, Arliss recruited several members to the Eminence and this game is doing some great things now.
Maybe we have a few future Hall of Famers in our list above. Only time will tell. I take that back, I think we do have some Hall of Famers here! Keep writing and keep having fun.