
The Independence Fleet Admiralty exists to provide you with the best role playing experience possible. We’re a player-centered fleet always looking to improve while staying true to our past. All fleet activities are divided among three functional areas: Technology, Operations, and Staff.

There are currently five positions in the Admiralty: One Department Chief and three Department Directors, all of whom report to the Commander-in-Chief. All sim Commanding Officers (COs) also report directly to the Commander-in-Chief.

Admiral Charles Star
Responsible for fleet operations & administration

Charles Star is one of the three founders of Independence Fleet and has served in various roles over the years.  He additionally runs and supports many community level efforts.  Widely regarded as one of the most innovative and influential role players of all time, he won the Simming Prize in 2016 & 2019.

Admiral Ken Gillis
Chief of Technology
Responsible for IT architecture & infrastructure

Ken Gillis has long been a technical leader and trailblazer within the role playing community.  In the early years, he led RolePlayerUSA, which provided hosting services to many of the top clubs.  He even served as Simming League President in 2002 and later won the Squiddie Award in 2015.

Rear Admiral James “Rook” Mirtoh
Director of Media
Responsible for media content & engagement

Rook Mirtoh hails from Independence Fleet’s early days, having joined in the first year.  He has served in many capacities and made numerous contributions since.  Known as one of the most talented role players ever, he is the only fleet member to have individually won all five of the fleet’s original awards.

Rear Admiral Aurther Winters
Director of Personnel
Responsible for awards & recognition

Aurther Winters is the newest member of the Independence Fleet Admiralty. However, he has been a member of the fleet for much more, having previously served as a long-time Chief Engineer, Executive Officer, and Commanding Officer of the USS Chuck Norris.

Director of Art: vacant
Responsible for graphics & design

Organizational Structure

  • Commander-in-Chief (fleet CO)
    • Chief of Technology (fleet XO)
    • Operations
      • Sim COs
    • Staff
      • Director of Art (vacant)
      • Director of Media
      • Director of Personnel

Special Advisor

James D. West
Retired, Hall of Fame
Fleet Admiral Emeritus

James D. West is one of the three founders of Independence Fleet and served as its first Commander-in-Chief.  He even coined the Independence Fleet name.  Highly respected as one of the most imaginative and versatile role players in the community, he won the Squiddie Award in 2015.

James D. West Signing Off