USS Sunfire, Welcome Back!

What a moth July has been: We celebrated our 19th anniversary, inducted the seven newest members of our Hall of Fame, and honored the careers of two of our biggest legends. However, there’s one more thing…

The most famous and iconic ship in IDF history is back: The USS Sunfire.

USS SunfireNCC-3935-B
Format: Prose & ScriptEra: Post-Dominion War
Type: OpenClass: Akira
CO: Captain Thomas DevoeJoin!

The original USS Sunfire (NCC-3935) was launched in old Utopia Fleet on February 16, 2000 under the command of Commodore Jay “Robbie” Robertson. However, Robertson retired a few months later and James D. West took over. West then commanded two more versions of the Sunfire (NCC-3935-A and NCC-3001) in Utopia Fleet and as an independent sim before Independence Fleet came to be on July 4, 2001. Indeed, the crew of Sunfire was split into three to serve as the backbone for IDF’s original sims: the USS Sunfire (NCC-3001-A), USS Avalon (NCC-3002), and USS Washington (NCC-11988).

In the many years since, we’ve seen three more versions of the Sunfire (NCC-3001-B/C/D). She was awarded the 2010 Simming Prize and took home awards in both the 2011 and 2012 Tournament of Simulations. The Sunny is also where Sunfire script and the concept of open role playing developed. Dozens of future Captains began their careers there. In short, if someone were to make a list of the top five or ten sims in the history of role playing, the Sunfire would have to be on it.

That’s right, she’s back. Captain Thomas Devoe leads his crew in this continuing adventure. Join the sim where legends are born.

Admiralty Restructuring

With Fleet Admiral West’s retirement and my move into the role of Commander-in-Chief, I’ll need to make a few shifts of fleet leadership. The following changes are to take effect immediately:

  • I have reluctantly accepted Rear-Admiral Sadie Stanton’s resignation as Director of Art due to her real life time constraints. We thank Rear-Admiral Stanton from the bottom of our hearts for the outstanding work she’s done to give IDF a unique look to fill our niche within the community. She was recently awarded the Distinguished Service Medal for her service.
  • Vice-Admiral Ken Gillis is hereby promoted to Admiral and will take on an updated title: Chief of Technology. This new rank and role reflect technology’s ever-growing importance in fleet operations. Tech is the backbone of our fleet, and it’s all been Admiral Gillis. He was also awarded the Distinguished Service Medal last month.
  • The Chief of Fleet Operations position that I vacated will remain unfilled. Since our fleet is still small, all sims will continue to report directly to me. Rear-Admiral Bolak and Rear-Admiral James “Rook” Mirtoh will also continue to report to me.
  • IDF has traditionally not had an official Executive Officer (XO) position. Instead, usually a Deputy Commander-in-Chief or Chief of Fleet Operations fills the role as a de-facto fleet XO. Given the rise of technology’s importance as outlined earlier, Admiral Gillis will fill this position in his Chief of Technology role.
  • Captain Abe Polto officially assumed command of the USS Eminence on July 1st after Captain Caymen Greener’s resignation. We thank Captain Greener for helping us create this wonderful game and look forward to the new adventures Captain Polto will lead.
  • Starbase Mikia has left the fleet. Their final post was on May 1st.

In administrivia news, as of August 1st, all prior fleet bans and censures will be officially overturned. The third and ninth censures are hereby overturned immediately. While such lists served their purpose in the past, they are simply no longer needed today. Individual sim membership will be left to the sim COs.

P.S.–Still the old signature, I know.

Adm McMahon P.S. — What old signature?

The Good Ole Days: Right Now

I often think back to my original time in IDF, the fleet’s classical era in the 2000s. I remember them as the good ole’ days. The same for the renaissance period of the early 2010s. In reality, I was only a member of the fleet for about two and a half years during my first stint, and then I was Chief of Fleet Operations for less than a year and a half 2010-12. They both were fleeting moments, but I recall them much differently. No pun intended.

To quote Andy Bernard from the finale episode of The Office: “I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good old days before you’ve actually left them.”

So it is with IDF: These are the good ole’ days! Over the last few months, we’ve rebuilt our community, reestablished our Star Trek lore, and even played the old Super Space Command 3000 joke again. What a time it is! We’re right in the middle of the good ole’ days and our best years are yet to come. Cherish the moments we have now to write Trek with our fellow crewmembers. The future is limited only by our own imaginations.

On that note, I would like to bid a happy retirement to Fleet Admiral James D. West. Without him, there would be no IDF: He was one of our three founders and has been instrumental in leading our rebuild this year. To me, he’s been a mentor, a rival, a friend, and much more. To everyone else, he’s one of the all-time greats, not just within IDF, but for the entire simming and online role playing community.

In that light, I accept the authority and responsibility as Independence Fleet’s Commander-in-Chief and General Executive Director. As my first official act, I hereby permanently retire the Fleet Admiral rank. No one else can ever fill West’s shoes, so no one else will ever wear his rank either. Furthermore, Fleet Admiral West will always be the most senior historical member of this club.

Farewell, Fleet Admiral!

P.S.–Yes, I do need a new signature block.

James D. West Signing Off

Click here for a pdf copy of Fleet Admiral West’s message.

My fellow colleagues and simmers:

I am sure no one thought this day would come so soon. Even I am in disbelief that it is already here. But after conferring with members of the Admiralty and others in our simming community, it is with a heavy heart that I announce my retirement as Fleet Admiral/CinC of Independence Fleet, effective 0000 hours EST USA, Wednesday July 1st 2020.

It’s been an amazing journey since July 4th, 2001. I remember starting IDF with three ships and a handful of very dedicated simmers, most of which originated (like myself) from an older, defunct simming fleet. We made it work. And today it has grown into one of the premier online role playing communities on the web.

This wouldn’t have been possible without the tireless hard work and dedication by the Admiralty and Captains, as well as the simmers themselves who really make this happen. Without the talented writers in this group, there would be no community.

After my retirement I can think of no better officer than Charles Star to lead this fleet into the future as Commander-in-Chief. I have known Charles for over 20 years. We served on an old incarnation of the USS Sunfire; he as CMO and me as XO. This friendship would lead us to where we all are now.

Admiral Star has made this fleet his life’s work. When the rest of us had real-life issues keeping us from the simming world, Charles pressed on. He was there during all the difficult times and kept pressing forward, never losing sight of the future for our fleet.

Admiral Star will make one hell of a Commander-in-Chief, and will assume command of Independence Fleet at 0001 hours EST USA, Wednesday July 1st 2020.

As for me, I will continue simming in a non-administrative capacity, as a low-key but active character on one of our great Sims. This is not a retirement from simming. It is a retirement of the Admiralty, and leaving that aspect of our community in Admiral Starts capable hands.

Again, what an amazing journey it’s been.

My best,

Fleet Admiral James D. West

Take a Visit to Starbase Mikia

Independence Fleet hereby announces the launch of Starbase Mikia, currently our only starbase sim. This is an open role playing game, set after Star Trek: Nemesis, led Captain Jensen Russell. In case you were wondering, Mikia is unofficially the Klingon name for Michael.

Located in the Beta Quadrant, where the action never seems to end, starships and traders from all over the galaxy make stops at Mikia for all sorts of reasons. Captain Russell and his team are loaded with mission ideas for Star Trek storytelling.

If you would like to be a part of the adventure, join Starbase Mikia today!

USS Eminence Launches

Star Trek: Picard has arrived in role play: The USS Eminence commanded by Captain Caymen Greener. The ship is a Saber-class scout/patrol vessel assigned to the former border areas with the Romulan Empire a few months prior to the events of Star Trek: Picard in 2399.

While the sim is set near the old Romulan border, it will not exclusively run Romulan-based missions. Captain Greener has a lot of great ideas for this game, and it will only get better and better as both the crew and the series continue to build the lore.

If you would like to join simming’s cutting edge while still honoring Star Trek’s past, join the Eminence today!

Super Space Command 3000: 2020 Edition

If you visited our website yesterday, you might have seen something peculiar: IDF replacing Star Trek with Super Space Command 3000 branding after a court order authorized CBS to collect royalties from fan fiction websites. April fools! In case you missed it, we’ve recreated that main page at the bottom of this post.

This is actually the third time IDF has pulled the ole’ SSC3K joke. The first was all the way back in 2003. The second was in 2011, when we were joined by Theta Fleet and Starfleet Legacy Alliance. Theta Fleet played along with us again this year.

Of course, thank you to everyone for being a good sport about it once more! Here are some of the best comments we received for 2020’s joke:

You’ve got to be kidding!!!!!

Not cool.

It seems wrong and I am sure even from an outsider perspective.

Come on CBS, that is such a mean move!?

This is an outrage! Greedy corporate execs! We should all write in and give them a piece of our minds 😡

How the heck are we supposed to pay royalties to CBS?

How much do I need to pay to not see that?

Did you get this on a graphic design consultation website or in house? 😛

Omg hahahaha!

Love it lol

Hahaha Hilarious!

This better be an April Fools joke.

I hate this day.

Nice April fool’s day gag.

I hate April Fool’s Day. 😝

I’m not a huge fan of April Fool’s, but well done 😉

Independence Fleet website, April 1, 2020:

The Fleet

Alert: Yes, it’s true. CBS is going to require that Star Trek role play sites pay royalties that we simply can’t afford.  Here’s a link to the article we’ve cut and pasted below:

SAN FRANCISCO-A three-judge panel for the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled yesterday that CBS Studios has the authority to collect royalties from Star Trek fan fiction websites, even if the websites generate no revenue. All privately-owned publicly-facing Star Trek themed sites will be required to register with CBS immediately to pay fees based on policy to be set later by CBS.

The decision was a blow to many Star Trek fan writers, who commonly organize themselves into groups called “sims” or “role plays”. Lawyers representing an anonymous group unsuccessfully argued that CBS’s demands are a violation of free speech. CBS countered that “Star Trek” is a registered trademark. The court agreed with CBS in its 44-page decision.

Immediately following the ruling, CBS announced that official policy will be determined in six to eight weeks. Since so few fan fiction websites collect revenue, CBS is expected to charge royalties based on membership and participation. All affected websites who refuse or are unable to meet the financial demands will be forced to choose a new theme. Representatives for several websites have vowed to appeal to the Supreme Court.

It is unclear if CBS plans to pursue a similar policy with any of its other trademarked franchises or if other media companies will follow suit.

But not to worry!  We’ve come up with something even better than Star Trek: Super Space Command 3000!  That’s SSC3K for short!  We think this will give us all more flexibility with our stories and characters, and most importantly, we hold all the legal rights for SSC3K.  In short, we’re excited about our future in Super Space Command 3000 starting today.  Please send any comments or suggestions to

Thank you,
Independence Fleet Command

Welcome to Independence Fleet Command!  We’ve hosted top quality Super Space Command 3000 role playing since 2001.  Regardless of what you call it–simming, play-by-post (PbP), play-by-email (PbEm), or even creative writing–it’s what we’ve been doing for nearly 19 years.


Join one of our exciting adventures below and tell your Star Fleet tale with other Trekkies from around the world!

USS Ganymede

USS GanymedeNCC-80107
Format: Prose & ScriptEra: Post-Dominion War
Type: TraditionalClass: Luna
CO: Captain Dyllon McMahonJoin!

USS Washington

USS WashingtonNCC-81533-E
Format: ProseEra: Post-Dominion War
Type: OpenClass: Sovereign
CO: Captain Shran dh’KlarJoin!

USS Chuck Norris

USS Chuck NorrisNCC-4005
Format: Prose & ScriptEra: TNG/DSN/VOY
Type: OpenClass: Defiant
CO: Captain Grover vonMcCormickJoin!

Stay tuned…

What does prose and script mean?

That’s simply the style of writing used for the particular game.  Prose means it’s written in regular language like you would find in a novel or short story.  Script refers to a specific role playing syntax:


Character: (Thoughts.) ::action:: “Dialogue.” =/\=Communicator dialogue.=/\=

Still don’t get it?  Here’s the same line written in each format:

{Planet’s Surface}

John picked the communicator up from the table. He wasn’t sure what to do. “Here goes nothing,” he muttered before speaking into the device.  “Bridge, this is John.”

{Planet’s Surface}

John: ::picks up communicator from the table:: (I’m not sure what to do.) “Here goes nothing.” =/\=Bridge, this is John.=/\=

As you can see, the {Location} tag is frequently used in both formats. Also, the exact syntax will likely vary from sim to sim.

What’s the difference between traditional and open role playing?

In traditional role playing, you only write for your own character without explicit permission or guidance from other players, generally speaking.  This is how almost all Star Trek simming games usually work.

Open role playing differs in that everyone writes for everyone.  All characters are at at your disposal for use with every post.  While this is uncommon in the role playing community, you’ll see a higher number of open role playing sims in Independence Fleet.  Here’s an article from Ongoing Worlds that explains open role playing in more detail.

Independence Fleet = Excellence

Tournament of Simulations

USS Chuck Norris2014
USS Victory2013
USS Chirikov
USS Liberty
USS Rioja
USS Sunfire
USS Victory
USS Liberty
USS Sunfire

Ongoing Worlds

Squiddie Award

James D. West, 2015
AJ Wheeler, 2013
Community Honor

James D. West, 2018
Landon Wakeland, 2013

Legacy Simming League

Simming Prize

Charles Star, 2016
Independence Fleet, 2011
USS Sunfire, 2010

Distinguished Service Medal

Charles Star, 2011

Fair Skies and Happy Warp Drives to the USS Sanctuary

At 11:59 PM tonight, the USS Sanctuary will officially transfer from Independence Fleet to UCIP. The Sanctuary has been a mainstay in IDF since she launched back in October 2012. According to available records as of March 1st, the Sanctuary had seen 1,718 total posts and 17 monthly posting titles. Wow!

Perhaps even more impressive is that Commanding Officer Steven Mayta Death is not only the longest currently-tenured CO in IDF, but he is also first all-time in IDF history with 89 completed command-months, all with the Sanctuary. His alter ego, Steven Mayta Cha’Dich adds five more (one with the Sanctuary and five with Starbase Prime). What a record!

But Steven’s and the Sanctuary’s run doesn’t end here. Steven actually began his career back in UCIP, and he’s simply going home. Here’s to all the adventures he and his crew are going to continue to have for years to come!

USS SanctuaryNCC-2880
Format: Prose & ScriptEra: TNG/DSN/VOY
Type: OpenClass: Intrepid
CO: Colonel Steven MayTa DeathJoin!

The Hall of Fame is Back!

The IDF Hall of Fame is active once again. After an 8-0 vote of eligible voters, I hereby officially approve the latest amendment to the Hall of Fame charter, which re-activates the institution after it was suspended indefinitely in 2014. Look for us to take nominations later this spring for the 2020 class that will be inducted on our 19-year anniversary of July 4th.

Below you’ll find a list of all 20 current Hall of Fame members and the newly amended charter. It’s a great day to be in Independence Fleet!

Hall of Fame Inductees

Class of 2013

  • Captain Jasson Asuka
  • Lt. Cmdr. Seth Rain
  • Lt. Cmdr. Mira Rodale
  • Captain Alayne Tolbin
  • Commodore Zachari Vrona

Class of 2012

  • Lieutenant Airika Calhoun
  • Captain Ace Decade
  • Commander Paula Fredericks
  • Fleet Admiral Jeremiah Griffith
  • Admiral Richter Hiron

Class of 2011

  • Captain Julie Absecon
  • Commander Samira Barajas
  • Commander Entera Danae
  • Commander Ingoldo
  • Lt. Cmdr. Reggie “Big” Johnson
  • Rear-Admiral Henry “Hank” Logan
  • Captain Steve McCloud
  • Lt. Cmdr. Dick Phelps
  • Commander Kiara Rodale
  • Commander Tavik

Independence Fleet Hall of Fame Charter

I. Purpose

A. The Independence Fleet Hall of Fame shall recognize individuals for exemplary service or extraordinary contributions to the fleet.

II. Eligibility

A. Characters, not players, are to be inducted. Multiple characters from a single player are eligible.

B. Characters must be inactive for at least one year prior to induction.

C. Characters shall be inducted no more than once.

III. Process

A. Nominations shall be taken every May. Nominations may be made by anyone, regardless of rank or fleet affiliation. Self-nominations are permitted.

B. Voting shall take place every June, with each nominee receiving a separate vote. All Commanding Officers and active members of the Admiralty may cast one ballot (yea or nay) for each nominee. A player with multiple characters may cast no more than two ballots per nominee.

C. Characters receiving yeas for more than one-half of their ballots and finishing in the top five of the year’s nominees shall be inducted. Characters receiving more than one-half of the ballots cast, but not finishing in the top five of the year’s nominees shall be automatically re-nominated the following year. In the event of more than five nominees receiving the required votes for induction, tie-breakers for the final spots shall be determined by the Command-in-Chief to prevent more than five inductions in any cycle.

D. Characters inactive for more than ten years, regardless of nomination status, may be inducted by consensus decision from the Veterans Committee. All active members of the Admiralty shall serve on the Veterans Committee. Veterans Committee selections shall be capped at three inductions per cycle and shall not count toward the maximum of five from the standard selection process.

E. Inductions shall take place every July 4th. All inductions are final and shall not be overturned.

IV. Amendment

A. Changes to this charter must be approved by at least two-thirds of eligible voters and Independence Fleet’s Commander-in-Chief.

B. Amendments shall not be proposed in May, June, or July.

USS Washington Stays in IDF

After discussing the matter with his crew, Captain Shran dh’Klar has elected for the USS Washington (NCC-81533-E) to stay in Independence Fleet. The Washington had been released last month to explore opportunities outside of the fleet. However, we’re more than pleased to have Captain dh’Klar and his crew remain a part of the IDF family.

The Washington’s tradition dates back to IDF’s founding on July 4, 2001, when we launched with three active sims. The Washington’s crew has won numerous awards and set many records over the years. We look forward to watching their role play adventure continue here for many more to come.