Major Awards Have Returned

It’s been almost four months since I assumed command of Independence Fleet back in February. It’s high time that we recognized some of the people who have made our resurgence possible. I hereby issue the following six citations:

The Excellence in Service Medal is hereby renamed the Command Excellence Medal. It is to be awarded for achievement above and beyond the call of duty at the sim Commanding Officer level.

Command Excellence Medal

Awarded to Captain Shane Youngblood for commanding the USS Chuck Norris from 2014 to 2020. Captain Youngblood kept IDF alive when its website went offline by having the Chuck Norris continue simming over email. For that action, IDF will be forever grateful.

Awarded to Colonel Steven MayTa Death for commanding the USS Sanctuary from 2012 to 2020. At the time of his transfer to fellow simming club UCIP, he was first all time in IDF with 89 command months. His tenure included 1,631 total posts and 17 posting titles.

Awarded to Captain Shran dh’Klar for commanding the USS Washington. As previously announced, Captain dh’Klar is now our Commanding Officer elder statesman with the all time lead in command months (90) and posting titles (26). He continues to be guiding light and example for his sim.

The Distinguished Service Medal is awarded for achievement above and beyond the call of duty at the Admiralty level.

Distinguished Service Medal

Awarded to Rear Admiral Sadie Stanton for her service as Director of Art. Creating an entirely new graphical design and feel for the IDF website, her creative vision has been invaluable in our second renaissance.

Awarded to Vice Admiral Ken Gillis for his service as Director of Technology. He built the entire new IDF website in record time and continues to manage a first-rate, fast, and error-free IT system.

Awarded to Admiral Charles Star for his service as Chief of Fleet Operations. The glue who puts it all together, he assembled the greatest staff this fleet has ever seen and continues to lead both here and in the community at large.

Just like the Monthly Awards, the Major Awards are now back too. If there’s a theme here, it’s the three Captains who bridged the gap from the old website and leadership to the new and the three Admirals who made what we have now possible. Thanks to all and I hope you continue to serve the fleet for many years to come.

A Milestone of Milestones

A recent review of our records revealed something very interesting: Captain Shran dh’Klar of the USS Washington is currently in his 90th month of command in Independence Fleet. This breaks the previous tie of 89 months with Steven MayTa Death for the fleet’s all-time lead. You read that right–Captain dh’Klar is now the longest serving sim Commanding Officer in the history of Independence Fleet. A quick recap of his command career:

  • December 2010 – May 2012: USS Washington (18 months)
  • December 2012 – August 2013: USS Archimedes (9)
  • April 2015 – current: USS Washington (63)

Let’s put the 90 months into perspective: That’s 7.5 years of command! Wow! As of June 1st, that includes 1,320 total posts and a tie with Rhenora Kaylen for first place all-time with 26 monthly posting titles.*

I still remember when Captain dh’Klar first took command of the Washington. I had just returned to IDF as Chief of Fleet Operations and we were re-launching several historical sims. I really wanted him to be one of our Captains and offered him whichever command he wanted. I was very happy when he selected the Washington, which at the time was already one of our most storied games. Captain dh’Klar has since taken the Washington to even greater heights, creating a nearly unparalleled legacy.

Captain, thanks again for your service and we’re looking forward to the next 90 months!

* IDF does not have sim records from January 2004 to September 2010 and is missing posting totals for September – October 2018 and December 2018 to May 2019.

Monthly Awards: April 2020

Rook Mirtoh, your friendly neighborhood Director of Personnel here… What, I used the line last month? Then let’s just skip straight to the awards:

Best Post

Lt. Cmdr. Jhettao zh’Vrini
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Mikia

For “Personal Log – 2410-05-09”
It’s not often that a personal log wins best post, but this one does it with the right mix of cheer & gloom!

Funniest Post

Cmdr. Aurther Winters
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris

For “Make it… more real!”
Very tongue in cheek, a serious officer dealing with an un-serious scenario. Winters is one of the best!


Captain Grover vonMcCormick
Commanding Officer
USS Chuck Norris

For “From the Sidelines”
Funny, yet clear objectives that should get the crew going on a new mission. Well done!


Cmdr. Aurther Winters
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris

Winters does it again; leads the ship in total posts, helps integrate new crewmembers, mentors others, and keeps the storing going.

Most Posts

Cmdr. Aurther Winters
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris

For writing 8 posts.

Most Improved

Lt. Cmdr. Estella Stratton
Chief Counselor
USS Washington

The Counselor has delved deep into both character development and mission advancement this month, showing her versatility.

Rookie of the Month

Lt. Cassia Cavendish
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Washington

She jumped in head first with an excellent introductory post and followed it up with several joint posts.


Cmdr. Jonathan Grayson
Executive Officer
USS Washington

Recruited the Washington’s stellar rookie and continues to work on recruiting for the ship.

Congratulations to all of our winners. Good luck to everyone for May and keep simming! That’s what I said last month too? I’m must be getting too old for this.

Star Trek Character Search

Hidden within this nonsense article are 25 names of popular Star Trek characters. Can you find them all?

Greyfriars Kirkyard in Edinburgh, Scotland is fabled to be the home of the scottish faeries. While some consider the legends to be part of ancient Scottish lore, others consider them to be the result of a drunken Scot typing nonsense to sell cheap local literature. Old Jimmy Price is recognised as the author of most contemporary prints and evidence of his historical research can be found in the old mans pocketbook which is on display in Edinburgh public library.

Old Jimmy Price made millions from his local tall tales and bought himself a Lamborghini with the profits from the first volume. The second edition was even more popular that the first allowing him to say “adieu Huracan” and “bonjour” to a brand new Porche 911. He would often be found sitting in one of his expensive cars tucking into a bag of ready salted McCoys.

Old Jimmy was also something of a politician and had the french consul under his influence due to an overhead Back handed jibe made by the frenchman at a local function. He used his influence to fund the opening of a zoo where he cared for a varied menagerie. It was during these years that he began his famous treaties on the natural sciences making ground breaking observations such as; 

When feeding platypi, cardboard containers are prefered due to the animals aversion to plastics. He discovered that feeding a penguin an icecube was an excellent way to facilitate egg production and through lengthy observations of his pet Kestral Jane, discovered the in workings of the birds mind through the application of Odorless Ordifal oil to the feeding trough. If you study the data it will show Orfidal is often prescribed to treat anxiety. Unfortunately his discoveries were cut short when one day his assistant gave Jane way too much of the oil and she sadly died.

Jimmy Price was indeed an accomplished man. A man’s man. He was an expert archer, a superb swordsman with an ability to strike right on time to deal the finishing blow. He was an expert fisherman and once caught a prize winning pike which he kept over his fireplace in pride of place next to his ancient scottish Blood axe. In his latter years he moved his field of interest into the sciences and discovered that the centroid or geometric center of a plane figure is the arithmetic mean position of all the points in the figure before concluding that a quark is a type of elementary particle and a fundamental constituent of matter. He was however until his dying day a terrible cook and could even  burn ham if not properly supervised.

Fame came at a price however and it took the form of his older brother George. Quite simply Jimmy made George ordinary and uninteresting by comparison. Turning up to his older brothers 60th birthday party Jimmy made the bash irrelevant as the friends and family ignored the birthday boy to flock around Jimmy to hear his latest tall tales of adventure and accomplishment. So incensed was George that he invited his brother on a trip and while traveling he attacked and killed the poor fellow placinging his body in a mechanical crusher to hide his crime.

Until this day the body of Jimmy Price has never been found, though rumours abound of his grizzly fate.

Happy Hunting!

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Take a Visit to Starbase Mikia

Independence Fleet hereby announces the launch of Starbase Mikia, currently our only starbase sim. This is an open role playing game, set after Star Trek: Nemesis, led Captain Jensen Russell. In case you were wondering, Mikia is unofficially the Klingon name for Michael.

Located in the Beta Quadrant, where the action never seems to end, starships and traders from all over the galaxy make stops at Mikia for all sorts of reasons. Captain Russell and his team are loaded with mission ideas for Star Trek storytelling.

If you would like to be a part of the adventure, join Starbase Mikia today!

USS Eminence Launches

Star Trek: Picard has arrived in role play: The USS Eminence commanded by Captain Caymen Greener. The ship is a Saber-class scout/patrol vessel assigned to the former border areas with the Romulan Empire a few months prior to the events of Star Trek: Picard in 2399.

While the sim is set near the old Romulan border, it will not exclusively run Romulan-based missions. Captain Greener has a lot of great ideas for this game, and it will only get better and better as both the crew and the series continue to build the lore.

If you would like to join simming’s cutting edge while still honoring Star Trek’s past, join the Eminence today!

My Favorite Trek: Aurther Winters

It’s that time again as we reach out into the community and ask one of our esteemed members about their “Favorite Trek.” Aurther comes to us after a break from the simming world and we are overjoyed to have him back.

Aurther cut his teeth back in 2003 when he was recruited into his first Sim through a college message board. So started the adventures of James Sullivan on the USS Dragon in IDF. From lowly Ensign to Chief Engineer James rose through the ranks until that thing we call “a life” dragged him away.

But the call of Captain Youngblood of the USS Chuck Norris called him back again to engage in technobabble once more, a language in which Aurther is quite fluent. Alas life struck again and Aurther went of to live it for several years before recently stumbling on an invite to returned to his old stomping ground to Trek once more!

Now a proud father of a beautiful 8 week old daughter and a man with a little extra time on his hands (or perhaps better time management skills) he has returned to the Chuck Norris and Independence Fleet to which he has remained loyal all these years!

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Aurther and his Favorite Trek :

Name: Aurther Winters

Rank: Commander

Sim: USS Chuck Norris

Position: Executive Officer

Favorite Star Trek episode? Darmok

Why? This was in the height of the TNG best writing and acting. The plot and the messages that came out of it were some of the best. The premise of being able to speak the same language but not the same language is a dynamic I don’t think is often explored enough.

Favorite Star Trek series? The Next Generation

Why? It expanded what was originally set out in TOS, but the stoy and acting was far superior. It also laid out the groundwork and subplots for would would come later in different series. Also I feel like there is nothing more iconic then then the Enterprise-D.

Favorite Star Trek film? First Contact

Why? As much as I love how Iconic the Enterprise-D was, when the Enterprise-E made the scene I was in love. As a fan of the ships on Star Trek this was one where there was just so many to see and like. This one also had a good fee call backs well also being interesting and showing us all where the line is. Here. No further! *Insert smashing glass scene*

Favorite Star Trek Captain? Captain Picard

What year did you start simming? 2004

What sim was it? USS Dragon

What keeps you simming today? Keeping the writing skills and imagination up, and love of Star Trek

Favorite non-simming hobby? Hockey

Favorite non-Trek series? The Orville

Favorite non-Trek film? Ghostbusters

Favorite book (fiction or non)? Redshirts

Favorite video game? Halo

Favorite musician or band? Greenday

Favorite superhero? Captain Canuck

If you could have any super power, what would it be? Don’t know if you would call it a superpower, but being able to understand and speak every language 

Favorite sport? Hockey

Favorite team? Colorado Avalanche

Favorite food? Tacos

Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi

Lennon or McCartney? Lennon

Jordan or LeBron? Jordan

Star Trek or Star Wars? Star Trek

Rank the Trek TV shows from best to worst.  The Next Generation (1987–1994) Original Series (1966–1969) Discovery (2017–present) Picard (2020–present) Orville (2017)   Enterprise (2001–2005)      Deep Space Nine (1993–1999)   Voyager (1995–2001)    

Rank the Trek movies from best to worst.   II: The Wrath of Khan (1982) VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991)    IV: The Voyage Home (1986) III: The Search for Spock (1984) The Motion Picture (1979) V: The Final Frontier (1989) First Contact (1996) Generations (1994) Nemesis (2002) Insurrection (1998) Star Trek (2009) Into Darkness (2013) Beyond (2016)

Was this too many questions? I mean by the end I thought you might have been asking for my shoe size, but I think this was a good amount.

Fantastic Aurther please take a bow and everyone else have a great Easter weekend!

Monthly Awards: March 2020

Rook Mirtoh, your friendly neighborhood Director of Personnel here. It’s been a number of years since I was last in the IDF Admiralty. So many that I’ve lost count! Regardless, I’m back and so is IDF. March was a great month with many great posts and performances. Alas, we don’t have enough awards to honor everyone who is doing excellent things with us today. However, we can honor these outstanding members of the fleet.

Best Post

Cmdr. Jonathan Grayson (XO)
& Lt. Cmdr. N’Sachzny P’Glosho (CSTO)
USS Washington

For “Meeting old friends?”
Beautifully written, an in depth look at the characters, history, and politics. Well done!

Funniest Post

Lt. Cmdr. V’Setħ Borġ
Chief Science Officer
USS Chuck Norris

For “Reporting at Starfleet for duty”
An officer with a last name Borg would invite all kinds of raised eyebrows!


Capt. Dyllon McMahon
Commanding Officer
USS Ganymede

For “It’s Quiet Uptown”
A compelling scene of heroism and action to get the creative juices flowing for a new mission. Makes me want to write!


Cmdr. Aurther Winters
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris

For jumping right in on the new website in his old role as XO and posting a fleet-high of 6 posts, all helping set the tone for what’s coming. Already stepping up as a leader and getting new crew integrated.

Most Posts

Cmdr. Aurther Winters
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris

For writing 6 posts.

Most Improved

Lt. Cmdr. N’Sachzny P’Glosho
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Washington

For excellent writing, inclusiveness, and her spirit of adventure.

Rookie of the Month

Lt. Mackenzie Graham
Chief Medical Officer
USS Ganymede

For the most activity and passion of the new crew. She has written several posts and spearheaded multiple joint posts.


Marine Capt Be’Lana Sok’Mat
Executive Officer
USS Sanctuary

For recruiting one new crewmember to the USS Sanctuary.

Congratulations to all of our winners. Good luck to everyone for April and keep simming!

Super Space Command 3000: 2020 Edition

If you visited our website yesterday, you might have seen something peculiar: IDF replacing Star Trek with Super Space Command 3000 branding after a court order authorized CBS to collect royalties from fan fiction websites. April fools! In case you missed it, we’ve recreated that main page at the bottom of this post.

This is actually the third time IDF has pulled the ole’ SSC3K joke. The first was all the way back in 2003. The second was in 2011, when we were joined by Theta Fleet and Starfleet Legacy Alliance. Theta Fleet played along with us again this year.

Of course, thank you to everyone for being a good sport about it once more! Here are some of the best comments we received for 2020’s joke:

You’ve got to be kidding!!!!!

Not cool.

It seems wrong and I am sure even from an outsider perspective.

Come on CBS, that is such a mean move!?

This is an outrage! Greedy corporate execs! We should all write in and give them a piece of our minds 😡

How the heck are we supposed to pay royalties to CBS?

How much do I need to pay to not see that?

Did you get this on a graphic design consultation website or in house? 😛

Omg hahahaha!

Love it lol

Hahaha Hilarious!

This better be an April Fools joke.

I hate this day.

Nice April fool’s day gag.

I hate April Fool’s Day. 😝

I’m not a huge fan of April Fool’s, but well done 😉

Independence Fleet website, April 1, 2020:

The Fleet

Alert: Yes, it’s true. CBS is going to require that Star Trek role play sites pay royalties that we simply can’t afford.  Here’s a link to the article we’ve cut and pasted below:

SAN FRANCISCO-A three-judge panel for the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled yesterday that CBS Studios has the authority to collect royalties from Star Trek fan fiction websites, even if the websites generate no revenue. All privately-owned publicly-facing Star Trek themed sites will be required to register with CBS immediately to pay fees based on policy to be set later by CBS.

The decision was a blow to many Star Trek fan writers, who commonly organize themselves into groups called “sims” or “role plays”. Lawyers representing an anonymous group unsuccessfully argued that CBS’s demands are a violation of free speech. CBS countered that “Star Trek” is a registered trademark. The court agreed with CBS in its 44-page decision.

Immediately following the ruling, CBS announced that official policy will be determined in six to eight weeks. Since so few fan fiction websites collect revenue, CBS is expected to charge royalties based on membership and participation. All affected websites who refuse or are unable to meet the financial demands will be forced to choose a new theme. Representatives for several websites have vowed to appeal to the Supreme Court.

It is unclear if CBS plans to pursue a similar policy with any of its other trademarked franchises or if other media companies will follow suit.

But not to worry!  We’ve come up with something even better than Star Trek: Super Space Command 3000!  That’s SSC3K for short!  We think this will give us all more flexibility with our stories and characters, and most importantly, we hold all the legal rights for SSC3K.  In short, we’re excited about our future in Super Space Command 3000 starting today.  Please send any comments or suggestions to

Thank you,
Independence Fleet Command

Welcome to Independence Fleet Command!  We’ve hosted top quality Super Space Command 3000 role playing since 2001.  Regardless of what you call it–simming, play-by-post (PbP), play-by-email (PbEm), or even creative writing–it’s what we’ve been doing for nearly 19 years.


Join one of our exciting adventures below and tell your Star Fleet tale with other Trekkies from around the world!

USS Ganymede

USS GanymedeNCC-80107
Format: Prose & ScriptEra: Post-Dominion War
Type: TraditionalClass: Luna
CO: Captain Dyllon McMahonJoin!

USS Washington

USS WashingtonNCC-81533-E
Format: ProseEra: Post-Dominion War
Type: OpenClass: Sovereign
CO: Captain Shran dh’KlarJoin!

USS Chuck Norris

USS Chuck NorrisNCC-4005
Format: Prose & ScriptEra: TNG/DSN/VOY
Type: OpenClass: Defiant
CO: Captain Grover vonMcCormickJoin!

Stay tuned…

What does prose and script mean?

That’s simply the style of writing used for the particular game.  Prose means it’s written in regular language like you would find in a novel or short story.  Script refers to a specific role playing syntax:


Character: (Thoughts.) ::action:: “Dialogue.” =/\=Communicator dialogue.=/\=

Still don’t get it?  Here’s the same line written in each format:

{Planet’s Surface}

John picked the communicator up from the table. He wasn’t sure what to do. “Here goes nothing,” he muttered before speaking into the device.  “Bridge, this is John.”

{Planet’s Surface}

John: ::picks up communicator from the table:: (I’m not sure what to do.) “Here goes nothing.” =/\=Bridge, this is John.=/\=

As you can see, the {Location} tag is frequently used in both formats. Also, the exact syntax will likely vary from sim to sim.

What’s the difference between traditional and open role playing?

In traditional role playing, you only write for your own character without explicit permission or guidance from other players, generally speaking.  This is how almost all Star Trek simming games usually work.

Open role playing differs in that everyone writes for everyone.  All characters are at at your disposal for use with every post.  While this is uncommon in the role playing community, you’ll see a higher number of open role playing sims in Independence Fleet.  Here’s an article from Ongoing Worlds that explains open role playing in more detail.

Independence Fleet = Excellence

Tournament of Simulations

USS Chuck Norris2014
USS Victory2013
USS Chirikov
USS Liberty
USS Rioja
USS Sunfire
USS Victory
USS Liberty
USS Sunfire

Ongoing Worlds

Squiddie Award

James D. West, 2015
AJ Wheeler, 2013
Community Honor

James D. West, 2018
Landon Wakeland, 2013

Legacy Simming League

Simming Prize

Charles Star, 2016
Independence Fleet, 2011
USS Sunfire, 2010

Distinguished Service Medal

Charles Star, 2011

Fair Skies and Happy Warp Drives to the USS Sanctuary

At 11:59 PM tonight, the USS Sanctuary will officially transfer from Independence Fleet to UCIP. The Sanctuary has been a mainstay in IDF since she launched back in October 2012. According to available records as of March 1st, the Sanctuary had seen 1,718 total posts and 17 monthly posting titles. Wow!

Perhaps even more impressive is that Commanding Officer Steven Mayta Death is not only the longest currently-tenured CO in IDF, but he is also first all-time in IDF history with 89 completed command-months, all with the Sanctuary. His alter ego, Steven Mayta Cha’Dich adds five more (one with the Sanctuary and five with Starbase Prime). What a record!

But Steven’s and the Sanctuary’s run doesn’t end here. Steven actually began his career back in UCIP, and he’s simply going home. Here’s to all the adventures he and his crew are going to continue to have for years to come!

USS SanctuaryNCC-2880
Format: Prose & ScriptEra: TNG/DSN/VOY
Type: OpenClass: Intrepid
CO: Colonel Steven MayTa DeathJoin!