Happy 23rd Anniversary, Independence Fleet

Happy 23rd anniversary, Independence Fleet! For anyone new and not aware or simply not wanting to do the math, this club was founded all the way back on July 4, 2001. Continuing a tradition we began a few years ago, here is a message from a special guest:

What else do we have for this year? You might remember the 20th Anniversary Almanac that we published three years ago. Well, we got the cover page signed by none other than Star Trek legend William Shatner:

pdf | jpg

A closer view of the signature:

In case you were wondering, the cover photo at the top is indeed based on the greatest Star Trek selfie ever taken by LeVar Burton. Thank you to Captain Misaki for creating our header image two years in a row.

I almost forgot, we have a second message this year too:

Happy anniversary, IDF! Here’s to 23 years and much more!

2024 Hall of Fame Inductees

With another year in the books, it is again my great honor and privilege to formally announce the newest members of the Independence Fleet Hall of Fame. As a reminder, induction into the Hall of Fame is the highest honor this club offers–reserved for those who have demonstrated exemplary service or extraordinary contributions to the fleet, according to the Hall of Fame Charter (pdf). As such, here is your Hall of Fame Class of 2024:

Inducted by Election:

Vice Admiral Krol

of the USS Minerva

A charter member of the fleet, the original and long-time Commanding Officer of the Minerva, and later member of the Admiralty, Krol was an ever-present figure during IDF’s early years. Regardless of the role, he truly immersed himself into his character and the greater Trek universe. Whether in-story or out-of-story, he always fostered an environment of exploration and wonder for others to use.

Lt. Cmdr. T’Vyn

of the USS Victory

The most decorated crewmember of the Victory, T’Vyn was the engine that enabled the sim to be one of the most successful of its era as her seven Most Posts played no small part in the Victory’s 13 posting titles. Boasting 8.5 total awards, she still ranks within the top 20 all-time. Beyond her superior quantity, she was also known to be extremely inventive within the story to empower other writers.

Inducted by the Veterans Committee:

None this year.

Congratulations to each of our 2024 inductees! They continue to provide a timeless example for us still role playing today to follow. The inductees will hereby be remembered forever for their extraordinary service to Independence Fleet. Well done! There are now 43 total members of this most exclusive club.

23rd Anniversary Webcast: July 6th at 7pm Eastern

Beam up to our Discord server this Saturday, July 6th at 7pm Eastern for our 23rd Anniversary Webcast, hosted again by Ken Gillis. Again, that’s July 6th at 7:00 PM ET (-4) / July 7th at 12:00 AM BST (+1). And yes, it will once more include real prizes!

Everyone who won any share of a monthly award from June 2023 through May 2024 had name added to the big wheel below, which we will spin this Saturday for real prizes. All award fractions were rounded up.

Speaking of the big prize wheel, an internal audit of our blog revealed that we never announced the winners from last year’s webcast spin. They were Lieutenant Bonnie “Bon-Bon” Durnell of the USS Sunfire and Captain Shran dh’Klar of the USS Washington. Their prizes were…

What will the prizes be this year? Tune in this Saturday to find out!

Admiralty Changes

We have two personnel changes to announce:

  • Rear Admiral James “Rook” Mirtoh hereby relieves Commodore Heather Meadows as Director of Media
  • Captain Aurther Winters is hereby promoted to Rear Admiral and relieves Rear Admiral James “Rook” Mirtoh as Director of Personnel

First, I want to offer my sincerest thanks to Commodore Meadows and she has been a tremendous asset to the fleet over the last two years. Her counsel and wisdom have been invaluable in matters far beyond her formal role here. Our partnership will certainly endure as she continues to do great things in both Theta Fleet and the broader community.

Rear Admiral Mirtoh has served admirably as our Director of Personnel for over four years now. His management of the monthly awards, an institution that sets us apart from many other great fleets, has been second to none. I have no doubt that he will bring the same energy and enthusiasm to his new role.

And finally, Rear Admiral Winters is no stranger around these parts as he commanded the USS Chuck Norris for three years, and loyally served on that same sim for many more before assuming command. I have no doubt that he will fit right in with the Admiralty.

Monthly Awards: April 2024

Just in the nick of time…

Best Post (Single Author)

Lieutenant Tracey Walker
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Chuck Norris

For “Hunted”

Great action description!

Best Post (Joint Post)

Lt. Cmdr. Deanna Celes & Cmdr. Jonathan Grayson & Cmdr. Samantha Howard & Ens. Kate Kono & Ens. James Phoenix
USS Washington

For “The War With the Machines”

A great bit of collaborative writing!

Funniest Post

Ensign Kate Kono
Support Craft Pilot
USS Washington

For “Heinous Frackery”

I was not expecting that type of crossover!


Captain Rhenora Kaylen
Commanding Officer
USS Sunfire

For “Lost in Space”

A great opening with immediate possibilities for the rest of the crew to take the reins.


Commander Jenna Ramthorne
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Sunfire

The Sunfire legend and future Hall of Famer returned with a bang with her patented outstanding posting.

Most Posts

Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris

For writing 20 posts. Lance took over right where his new CO left off–writing the most posts!

Most Improved

Ensign James Phoenix
Tactical Officer
USS Washington

A mainstay of the Washington, Phoenix upped his game with some incredibly well written posts.

Rookie of the Month

None this month.


None this month.

I hope everyone had a great May too!

Administrative Notes

We have a few personnel and structural changes to announce:

  • Captain Mira Rodale will relieve Captain Michael Intermeezo as Commanding Officer of the USS Chuck Norris on April 1, 2024. We want to personally thank Captain Intermeezo for the outstanding job he did during his seven months in command, which includes three posting titles so far. His superior commitment to both sim and fleet is very much appreciated! We also look forward to the bright future of this sim as we have no doubt that Captain Rodale will lead the Chuck Norris to even greater heights.
  • The following three sims will be officially decommissioned, with their final day in the fleet coming on March 31, 2024. We humbly thank their respective Commanding Officers and crews for their loyal service to the fleet. They will always be a part of our history and family.
    • USS Ganymede, commanded by Captain Dyllon McMahon since her launch in March 2020; the Ganymede won a Star Trek Gameplay award at the 2020 Tournament of Simulations (ToS)
    • Starbase 80, commanded by Captain Kathleen O’Shea since she joined the fleet in September 2020; Starbase 80 also won a Star Trek Gameplay award at the 2020 ToS
    • USS Eclipse, commanded by Captain Aven LaCroix since her launch in January 2023

We also would like to wish a happy 93rd birthday to the one and only William Shatner!

2022 Simulation Cup Winners Announced

The 2022 Simulation Cup (aka Tournament of Simulations / ToS) were finally announced yesterday, and IDF didn’t do so badly. In fact, we took home seven total awards, the most by any club in a single year going all the way back through 2008! Congratulations to the Captains and crews of the USS Sunfire, USS Washington, USS Montana, USS Wayfarer, USS Liberty, USS Chuck Norris, and the USS Eminence. Well done!

Outstanding Star Trek:

Excellent Star Trek:

Great Star Trek:

Star Trek Gameplay:

Again, a performance for the ages from all of you! Look for the 2023 tournament to be announced soon.

Monthly Awards: February 2024

Happy Ides of March, everybody!

Best Post (Single Author)

Lieutenant Steve Ryan
Chief Communications and Operations Officer
USS Montana

For “Reapacification”

Duty calls!

Best Post (Joint Post)

Capt. Malcom Llwyedd & Lt. Cmdr. Cynfor Rees & Lt. Cmdr. Jörgen Leed & Lt. Tor Ezzo & Lt. Owen Woodhouse
USS Firebird

For “This isn’t a Simulator!”

Great action and plot development!

Funniest Post

Lt. Cmdr. Deanna Celes & Lt. Inara Senn & Ens. James Phoenix
USS Washington

For “Following the Evidence”

Great writing!


Cmdr. Mashiro Munetani “Shiro” & Capt. Akeno Misaki & Lt. Cmdr. Raelyn Mckenzie & Lt. Cmdr. Mark Johnson & Lt. Ileah & Lt. Luna Eclipse of the House of Martok & Lt. Rania Bhatti & Lt. JG Patra Rommel
XO / CO / CSTO / CMO / Y / CFCO / CC / CES
USS Wayfarer

For “Revisiting the Past”

A great way to build into the mission.


Commander Mira Rodale
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris

The Chuck Norris’s XO continues to set the pace for the ship, even stepping up as the current CO is due to stand down. She expertly leads the ship both in and out of character and is slated to become the full-time CO next month.

Most Posts

Commander Mira Rodale
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris

For writing 49 posts.

Most Improved

Lieutenant Commander Thriss Kla’ren
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Sunfire

The Gunfire’s CEO made outstanding contributions during the month during the CD mini-mission that not only developed her own character but set up great opportunities for others to use as well.

Rookie of the Month

Lieutenant Commander Kataxes
Chief Medical Officer
USS Firebird

The Firebird’s new CMO jumped into simming with a radically different and unique character, and is not only pulling it off, but crushing it.


None this month.

The great posting continues!

An IDF Welcome for the USS Firebird

It’s been more than a year since we last launched a new sim or welcomed an existing one into the fleet. However, that changes now: I am very proud to announce that the USS Firebird joined us earlier this month with their first official post as a member of IDF coming on February 1, 2024. The Firebird is set in the year 2396, but does not include the Picard television series timeline as the sim began before that tv show. Captain Malcom Llwyedd is the Commanding Officer.

USS FirebirdNCC-88298
Format: ProseEra: Post-Dominion War
Type: TraditionalClass: Diligent
CO: Captain Malcom LlwyeddJoin!

Welcome aboard, Captain Llwyedd and crew!