My Favorite Trek: Jonathan Grayson / Savar

Character Name: Jonathan Grayson / Savar cha’Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen

Rank: Commander / Commander

Sim: USS Washington / USS Sunfire

Position: Executive Officer / Executive Officer 

Lt. Thomas Haldeman, USS Sunfire, Chief Diplomatic Officer (NPC)
Lt. Jessica Holland, USS Sunfire, Security Officer (NPC)
Crewman John Boy Perriwinlke, USS Sunfire, Media Relations Officer (NPC)
Lt. Wyatt Steele, USS Washington, Chief Strategic Ops Officer (NPC)
Lt.jg. Ben Dalton, USS Washington, Alien Archaeologist/Anthropologist
Lt. Seth Travis, USS Washington, Chief Diplomatic Officer (NPC)

Wow, how do you keep up, and how many times have you posted for one character while intending on posting for another?
lol. It can be a challenge at times, but they are all diverse characters so that helps. I have started to post one character for another, but I’ve caught myself before actually sending it. At least I hope I have!

Favorite Star Trek episode? 
The Doomsday Machine (TOS)

Great character study with William Windom playing the guilt ridden Commodore Decker who wants to avenge his crew by destroying his Moby Dick.

Favorite Star Trek series? 
The Original Series

It was new and exciting, a trailblazer for all the other Trek series and movies that followed.

Favorite Star Trek film?
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

Great storyline, plus the incomparable Ricardo Montalban returning as Khan.

Favorite Star Trek Captain? 
James T. Kirk, all the way.

What year did you start simming? 
Since dirt came into being. lol.

What sim was it? 
Continuing Voyages

What keeps you simming today? 
The interaction with the other players and writing, seeing, and reading the amazing stories that are created.

Favorite non-simming hobby? 
Building models, reading, writing Trek. 

Favorite non-Trek series? 
Babylon Five

Favorite non-Trek film? 
Planet of the Apes

Favorite book (fiction or non)? 
To Kill a Mockingbird

Favorite video game? 
Don’t have one, sorry.

Favorite musician or band? 
The Beatles

Favorite superhero? 
Green Lantern

If you could have any super power, what would it be? 
Whoa, good question. I guess the power to bend or manipulate time.

Favorite sport? 

Favorite team? 
New York Yankees

Favorite food? 

Coke or Pepsi? 

Lennon or McCartney? 

Favorite Bond actor? 
Sean Connery, followed by Daniel Craig.

Star Trek or Star Wars? 
Star Trek, no question about it.

Rank the Trek TV shows from best to worst.
I don’t rank the animated shows.

Rank the Trek movies from best to worst.
Wrath of Khan, Voyage Home, Search for Spock, Undiscovered Country, Star Trek the movie and Final Frontier. Then, the TNG movies. I don’t count the Abrams movies.
Then the TNG movies. I don’t count the Abrams movies.

Rear Admiral James “Rook” Mirtoh
Director of Media
Independence Fleet

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