Monthly Awards: April 2024

Just in the nick of time…

Best Post (Single Author)

Lieutenant Tracey Walker
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Chuck Norris

For “Hunted”

Great action description!

Best Post (Joint Post)

Lt. Cmdr. Deanna Celes & Cmdr. Jonathan Grayson & Cmdr. Samantha Howard & Ens. Kate Kono & Ens. James Phoenix
USS Washington

For “The War With the Machines”

A great bit of collaborative writing!

Funniest Post

Ensign Kate Kono
Support Craft Pilot
USS Washington

For “Heinous Frackery”

I was not expecting that type of crossover!


Captain Rhenora Kaylen
Commanding Officer
USS Sunfire

For “Lost in Space”

A great opening with immediate possibilities for the rest of the crew to take the reins.


Commander Jenna Ramthorne
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Sunfire

The Sunfire legend and future Hall of Famer returned with a bang with her patented outstanding posting.

Most Posts

Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris

For writing 20 posts. Lance took over right where his new CO left off–writing the most posts!

Most Improved

Ensign James Phoenix
Tactical Officer
USS Washington

A mainstay of the Washington, Phoenix upped his game with some incredibly well written posts.

Rookie of the Month

None this month.


None this month.

I hope everyone had a great May too!

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