Character Name: Jackson Adams
Rank: Captain
Sim: USS Montana
Position: Commanding Officer
Favorite Star Trek episode?
This is a toss up between three shows.
1) TOS: “Mirror, Mirror”
2) ENT: “Broken Bow”
3) DSC: “Such Sweet Sorrow”
In my opinion, all three of these episodes embodied the idealism that Gene Rodenberry desired to impart on Star Trek Fans (and really the world).
Favorite Star Trek series?
This is also a toss up between The Original Series and Enterprise.
The original series was Gene’s original vision, and I grew up watching them repeatedly. Today, I own a particular Blu-ray set that is just great. On the other hand, Enterprise took us to a place we never thought possible at the time: the beginnings of the Federation. Enterprise reminded us that the start of something grand, rather it be a country or an ideal, is not always clean. There are messes and growing pains.
Along this line of thinking, Captain Archer learned that not everything was clear cut and the world was not as he thought. We, as humans, tend to think we are usually correct, and this series reminds us that (at times) we must expand our thinking to grow and accept the changes around us. I am not good with change, but–as crazy as it seems—sometimes I think, “If Captain Archer could change, so can I.” That is the beauty of Star Trek; it challenges OUR outlooks on life and causes us, at times, to question it. This is what, in my opinion, Gene Roddenberry wanted for the fans of this beautiful show.
Favorite Star Trek film?
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
Put simply, I think Star Trek II challenged the world view on growing older and, of course, death. It reminds us, as Spock said in Star Trek VI, that everything changes and ends. While Star Trek found away to save Spock, Kirk had to deal with his own ideals on life, death, and even family. This movie was, in my humble opinion, Star Trek at its best. That is why this film will always live in my heart.
Favorite Star Trek Captain?
Again, a toss up between Captain Archer and Kirk.
What year did you start simming?
I have been simming off and on since about 1992.
What sim was it?
Starships of the Third Fleet. The people which ran that club have since passed on and, if I had it my way, I would purchase it from their son. There is a site for them now, and they even have some of the old missions posted but the club is mostly gone. It is sad because I had a lot of fun there.
What keeps you simming today?
I enjoy the vision of Star Trek and the ideal of escaping life in the real world, even for just a few minutes at a time, has an appeal to me.
Favorite non-simming hobby?
Running. I do a lot of this today and I seem to be increasing as time goes along. Staying health became a mission of mine about a year ago and I have lost a lot of weight. I plan to keep moving down that path.
Favorite non-Trek series?
There are really three of them: (1) Quantum Leap, (2) the Original Law and Order, and (3) Knight Rider.
Favorite non-Trek film?
The Beverly Hills Cop Series. I have owned those movies for years, and I even went to the expense of purchasing them in 4K this year. Not many non-science fiction shows are worth purchasing in 4K but these series of movies are beautiful in this new format.
Favorite book (fiction or non)?
Fiction: The Rise of the Federation Series (if you have not read them, you are truly missing out).
Favorite video game?
I do not have one as gamming is not really my thing.
Favorite musician or band?
80’s music. I was born in the 70s and raised in the 80s. To me, the 80’s was a special time that is forever gone.
Favorite superhero?
If you could have any super power, what would it be?
The ability to read minds. I hate it when I walk up on people and they stop talking. I would love to saying something like, “Yeah, I agree with you about….”
Favorite sport?
Football, although I have not kept up with it the last few years.
Favorite team?
Favorite food?
Mexican Food.
Coke or Pepsi?
Of course, Diet Pepsi….
Lennon or McCartney?
Favorite Bond actor?
Roger Moore
Star Trek or Star Wars?
Star Trek
Rank the Trek TV shows from best to worst.
Rank the Trek movies from best to worst.
ST (2009)

Nick says:
Good episodes