Our newest sim, the USS Albion launched earlier this week on February 16th. If that date looks familiar, you have a good eye! The original USS Sunfire opened in Utopia Fleet on that date all the way back in the year 2000. The rest, as they say, is history! Speaking of history, this is Captain Dick Sprague’s 10th command in Independence Fleet, by far the most all-time.
While continuing the tradition and legacy of IDF’s USS Avalon series of sims, the Albion seeks to capture the original theme and feel of that original USS Sunfire. As such, this is an open role playing game that uses script format. All potential players are highly encouraged to read the Albion’s Sim page before joining to ensure they know exactly what they’re getting into. It may be different, but it’s a lot of fun.
USS Albion | NCC-3020 |
Format: Script | Era: TNG/DSN/VOY |
Type: Open | Class: Galaxy |
CO: Captain Dick Sprague | Join! |
Go check out the USS Albion today!

Justin says:
It’s been a lot of fun so far! I can’t wait to see how everything progresses and we attract more people to lead to more chaos.